1) As a US citizen in Sweden, I’m disturbed when I see the US right push the “Swedish model” for dealing with COVID19. It’s an utterly cynical, disingenuous position that goes far beyond the question of lockdowns and masks, and highlights what’s rotten at the core of US society.
2) The US political right are using a misleading vision of Sweden’s COVID19 policy to promote a brutal philosophy of savage individualism, fatalism and “freedom from government.” The irony of this position is so thick you can cut it with a knife.
3) Sweden’s COVID policy hardly a success (6000 dead), but natl. policy can only be understood as inseparable from Sweden’s developed welfare state, social system: universal healthcare, paid sick leave, paid leave to care for sick kids, subsidized daycare & pre/after-school care.
4) For many Swedes, social security policies in place mean getting COVID not a crushing financial blow; or, if jobs are lost, the state will help to support you. It’s impossible — and frankly stupid — to even try to see Sweden’s COVID19 strategy as separated from these policies.
5) So, it’s some pretty cynical bullshit for US right-wingers who have, under the banner of “Small Government” and “Liberty,” devoted their lives to crushing universal healthcare and other humane social policies now claim to support the “Swedish model” for tackling COVID19.
6) In pushing US version of “Swedish model” for COVID19 (in other words, w/none of the Swedish healthcare, social programs), the US right is just telling citizens to enjoy their “liberty” without restriction, but if they get sick, spouse gets sick, company goes bust...tough shit.
7) Let’s also be clear that even w/Sweden’s relatively developed, generous social policies, many here are struggling, and many in low-paying part-time jobs must continue to work even when they suspect they’re sick. So, pushing a “Swedish approach” w/even fewer safety nets? Crazy.
8) Political right cherry-pick two issues from Sweden — lockdowns, masks — & pitch them as symbols of “freedom.” But real freedom comes from not being bankrupted by illness, paying for childcare, sudden unemployment. The right wants you to forget the second half of that equation.
9) And we should never let it slip through cracks that in Sweden, just as in US, minorities have been hit disproportionately hard by COVID19, in large part due to relative poverty and the type of employment. Making access to healthcare and social programs all the more important. https://twitter.com/chrchristensen/status/1257736487346614273
10) As this thread gets views: This isn't about Sweden or its COVID strategy being great (look at my tweets over past 6 months about that.) This is just about the cynicism of those on the right who hate the welfare state pitching a policy rooted in there being a welfare state.
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