related to LRT: human trafficking is a problem, but it doesn't look like sweet little innocent children being stolen from their beds and sold into sex slavery to the rich and powerful. it looks like adults, mostly men, working in meat packing against their will, their supervisors
holding their legal documents for ransom until they pay off the debt they racked up coming to this country on false promises of paid work. It looks like men working in kitchens and not getting paid while their "illegal" immigrant status is used against them to keep them compliant
It's men on fishing boats, in fields, in factories, in meat processing. Human sex trafficking happens but you want to know what happens a whole lot more and gets CALLED trafficking? Boyfriends driving their sex worker girlfriends to the hotel for a session with a client.
That's what most "pimps" actually are, partners of sex workers who are more often than not working voluntarily even if their choices were limited and sex work wouldn't have been their first choice in a perfect world.

LABOR is the great human trafficker, not sex.
sex workers are some of the loudest voices against the myth of human sex trafficking but no one listens to sex workers, largely because of organizations that seek to infantlize all sex workers so they can "save" them from their dirty dirty sex work
the hyperbolic myth of human sex trafficking gets in the way of helping people who actually need it because they never look like what human sex trafficking orgs and advocates claim. They look like people who clean houses, pick fruit, or wash dishes. So people care less
Buying into and perpetuating the myth of rampant child sex trafficking gets in the way of handling the real problem, which is capitalism. End of story
Muting this thread because it's already reached farther than I would like, I forgot to do the no one can reply thing (again) and I really just don't care about anyone's uninformed incorrect opinion on this one, goodnight
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