I’ve been waiting for the @bcndp to call for my support. Today, on my way home from school, that call came.

Enjoy the following thread of my chat with “H****n”: 1/
Me: “hello?”

H: “hi this is H and I’m calling on behalf of @jjhorgan.”
(Does his spiel while I smirk and rub my hands together). 2/

Me: “H, guess what I do for a living?”

H: “what?” 3/
Me: “I’m a teacher. H, guess what I think of Horgan’s back to school plan right about now?”

H: (now sounding completely deflated) “I’m guessing not much.”

Me: “that’s right, H. In fact, I’m extremely disappointed in Horgan and @Rob_Fleming. 4/
Me (cont’d): “I campaigned and donated to the NDP last election, but I won’t be doing that this time. I think Fleming should be fired. In fact, I’d like his head on a proverbial platter.”

H: (now desperate to hang up) “well, I’ll pass that on to my superiors, but...” 5/
H (cont’d): “I don’t think I’ll use those exact words.”

Me: “oh, please do, H. In fact, if you want, pass on my number and I’ll say it again to your superior.”

H: (weakly) “ok.” 6/
Me: “H, I wish you well and I know you’re just doing a job. I hope people won’t tear your face off. But as for me, I’m leaning towards the @BCGreens. Have a great day.”

H: (relieved) “thanks, you too.”

Click. 7/7
Made. My. Day.
#bcpoli #bced #BCElection2020 #phonefun
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