this is not true or possibly even the most common meaning of these questions and please don’t be like the people in the replies and declare yourself autistic due to a viral tumblr post written by some rando
I get so frustrated with these things. Due to the medical system being what it is, of course it is hard or damn near impossible to get diagnoses (or correct ones), but please stop seeing viral posts about a quirk and then calling yourself neurodiverse or autistic
posts get so popular on here that reduce autism or OCD or PTSD to “I’m awkward sometimes with new people” or “I don’t like crooked paintings on the wall” or “I didn’t like a thing that happened so now I have PTSD”
it muddies the conversational and cultural waters when everyone says they have ptsd, for example, from say, a bad haircut or a wrong food order. It makes it harder for people with actual trauma to understand what is happening in their brain & body when all the examples are false
like, these things matter
it’s okay to not have a disability or disorder. having one doesn’t make you quirky or more interesting. it’s actually really fucking hard to live with, it’s hard to get respect or maintain dignity, it’s hard to get access or treatment, it’s hard to live. It isn’t “cute”
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