For those that believe the markets act as a discounting mechanism with predictive abilities about the future, consider the action in gun stocks;

The largest US gun co is Sturm Ruger $RGR. In the months leading up to the election in ‘16, RGR fell 22%.
2) With Trump as president, there’s no threat to the 2A, meaning fewer reasons to rush out & buy guns.

We’re seeing a similar pattern in ‘20. In just the last 6 weeks, RGR has fallen 31%.

And yes, the same trading patterns occurred ..
3) in the other major US gun co’s ( $USTO, $SWBI), in both ‘16 & now again in ‘20.

No Biden presidency, no risk to 2A, no urgent need to buy guns.

Are gun stocks predicting a Trump victory, again in 2020?
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