“Why did we receive 1,000 F Trump stickers in the mail today?”

3 kids sitting quietly - guilty look.

“Want to answer me or your mother? I would pick me.”

7 year old girl:

“But Daddy, she told us to! She said when see a car with Trump flags we put this on their windshield.”
I am literally married to the coolest woman ever.
2x 11 year old boys.

1x 7 year old girl.

One boy is really into politics and asks a lot of questions about America and is very inquisitive.

The other boy is the class clown, loves the TikTok Pranks and is always the one stealing my phone.

The 7 year old girl is the boss.
So the class clown says as I walk away to find my wife in the house.

“Good luck with that.”

And then they all burst into laughter.
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