I honestly first thought @alexbkane was doing a parody of faux-progressive Puritanism. No. Peacemakers apparently should only be those who never were at war. Rabin’s 1993 attempt at peace apparently so deceptive even his assassin fell for it, but not intrepid 2020 cancellers https://twitter.com/aoc/status/1309510065163038720
If @AOC really goes through with the cancellation, the message will be disastrous for anyone interested in coexistence. Don’t believe me? Just wait and see the glee with which the right wing in Israel celebrates it.
The notion that commemorating someone’s efforts at peace means one must identify with every part of their history is ludicrous. Thankfully that isn’t (yet) applied to Mandela, another hero with a... past.
As for Oslo... let’s just say Palestinians are not the only ones who weren’t happy with the results. But Rabin—and really this bears repeating in this particular context—was ASSASSINATED—for it. And the Palestinian leadership was a partner to it. https://twitter.com/alexbkane/status/1309239588792283136?s=21
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