Please be kind, I tried simplifying the equation for slower to adapt minds.

Would "Criminal Justice Reform Now!" be a sufficient message adjustment to eliminate prejudice against the #BlackLivesMatter movement?

Why? Some people refuse to do math because they think it's too hard
Thus, a change of view gives them a new light; the injustice exists for us all, so they fix the injustice. Ex: White women got to vote first.

It's not a happy thought to have to negotiate on equality, but I want real progress to get foot off sooner.

1.) End qualified immunity.
2.) Go back to 1994 Crime bill, clear the slate, and legislate with INCLUSIVE voices. Committee which oversees this project will be the most diverse panel of jurists ever; all demographics must be equally accounted for, yes a white minority.

Bring wrongfully convicted testimony.
Bring in guards, doctors, rural/urban representation, LGBTQ inmates, youth detention testimony, social workers, healthcare, run the full gambit of those affected by the criminal justice system. Hear the voices, rationalize what equity in justice truly means, and report what steps
...Congress must take to implement into law a true system of justice capable of adjusting to a changing society; we are not jailors, we are seekers of justice.

3.) End mandatory minimums, they artificially constrain the sentencing system due to, what purpose exactly? Enslave?
4.) Legalize marijuana for recreational use under similar procedures to alcohol. Tax revenues to benefit education, healthcare, and rehabilitation/restorative treatments for offenders of new reforms.

5.) End prisons for profit.

6.) Prosecute for truth, not conviction rates.
7.) Why are you listening to me? I'm not on the streets calling for your attention, asking for a little support.

We owe it to ourselves, our country, our humanity, and our planet Earth. Equality can't wait forever, but it's waited this long. Start systemic, then educate on race.
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