Sorry for the trouble and the up-and-coming long thread. It's not here to bash but it's going to be a bit blunt.

To clarify before everything, I am also autistic. Not white, and most of my friends are lesbians and bisexual WLW. I identify as MLM. CSA/ R*pe Survivor as well.
Sorry.. I am not here to throw a minority card, but you often mention a lot of 'talking over others' so I wanted to put that out there to avoid confusion.

I would DM this, but you are cautious already from other kids doing dumb stuff that only make this whole shitfire worse.
I will QRT here then, if it's okay. It's good that you apologize, and you should get apologies from others - but to do that you have to take a step back from everything. Not an insult, but I do check this account lately due to the mentions.

Everyday, this is on your mind. I get
that this is due to how a community has treated you. You are hurt and confused over why you are treated like this and antagonized.

Forgive me please if I warped anything wrongly.
You are just angry, but so are others. Apparently you used to be really popular until last year
in which this whole fight started, and it's lasted for a whole year now.
You are tiring yourself out over nothing at this point, because of how much has been said - nobody wants to cooperate with you. I would say for good reason, but some have reacted just as badly towards you in

You apologize in this thread for your transphobia, homophobia and racism. That's good - but in a recent tweet.. you are still technically becoming apart of discussions that you should not partake in, my opinion.

Sorry. It's how I feel and I have asked others (MLM)
if they think this is out of your place, and they've agreed.

This is in reference to many occasions where people feminize or woobify Akechi, when really he is much more aggressive and masculine than many perceive him to be. It's a common discomfort for many gay men, but it's
not your place to act hostile towards others for. You recently just did that even after this apology - towards someone putting Akechi and Pego in marriage wear. It's good intentions, but at this point, it only comes off as you just trying to get another reason to demonize
a community. You are upset at an entire community enough to generalize them as 'ShuAkes' when really it is a community full of many different kinds of people who group up because they all fixate and adore a relationship between Pego and Goro Akechi.

I get that it is because
of your experience with many people of that community, but it's that of a community for a reason. There are many different kinds of people with different varying opinions.

There are blocklists, threads on who to avoid, callouts, debates - all in reference to the more problematic
artists who draw disgusting things such as sexualization of Goro getting taken advantage of by others nonconsensually.

This is a common topic in that community that many find incredibly discomfort for. If you want, I will find a few blocklists to prove it.

I'm putting this
here to make a point of you constantly warping Akeshu community into enabling r/pe and CSA, when really it is a lot more people than you think who actually want them /out./

It's not fair of you at all to demonize people like that even if others have done the same.
There are people trying to prevent this from hurting others. Warning of artists that draw Goro doing disgusting things for fetish use.

This is not a thing where these artists just run free and do whatever they want, and everyone's just OK with this.
If you see that people aren't say anything- You are just not in the right part of the community where you see that they aren't saying anything.

You don't follow a lot of fans of Akeshu anymore. You don't associate with them at all. You don't talk with people about this pairing.
Another thing. Majority of fans in the Western community for Akeshu are LGBT. A lot of them turn out to be lesbians or WLW.

You are upset with them for inside jokes that only ran in their community, where 'claiming Akechi for the lesbians' was and still is a popular saying.
Other jokes are involving that Akechi can say the d slur, that Akechi fights for the lesbians, etc ... It's all they're doing to just have a little fun.

I understand with autism comes a little difficult to understand social cues. But at that point, if someone refuses to explain
It's best for your mental strength to just walk away.

But instead you are demonizing lesbians - a whole entire sexuality. Yes, you are, by mentioning 'Lesbian Shuakes' or 'WLW Shuakes' and saying they support all kinds of stuff.

And if for instance one of them says something
that actually is out of their place...

Why is it that you feel the need to point it out and antagonize them and get upset over it? I feel it would be best to just ignore and block, and let a gay man acknowledge it.
You have friends/mutuals who identify as MLM, I get that. They give you your word, and that's fine. Their opinion is as valid as any other MLM, but so are others.

There are so much gay men and MLM who also love Akeshu and make a point to be critical if they want.
And people will listen. Again, you are just not in that community because you choose to not take a look in.

This is why so many people are really exasperated with you and upset towards you, and refuse to cooperate/communicate with you.
I understand that you feel the same way with how you were treated.

I don't know your abusers or care to support them because I don't dictate your abuse. I wasn't there. If they hurt you, I'm not going to blindly defend them. Go and be angry.
But to just insist everyone in that community supports them and everyone in that community supports r/pe, supports feminization of Goro, supports homophobic stereotypes, supports abuse, supports ableism -

It's unfair. A lot of these people don't know what you're talking about
and the reason they come over to get upset at you is because you are generalizing a whole community.

Focus on a problem in the community alongside other fans even if you are not one yourself. Not the community as a whole.
I am sorry that people attack you. But you are hurting others with what you say.

You say that the Akeshu community supports all of those things I mentioned before.

I like Akeshu.
I am a CSA survivor, I am MLM
I am autistic.
There are so, so, so many people like me.
What does it mean to accuse a minority of supporting a group/cause that hurts them?

Everyday, I see you talking about the same thing.
Sorry, but at this point - everyone's moving on.
What happened was shitty.

But you have to stop obsessing over this.
Walk off from this account and just start anew with friends.
No discourse, no fights. Just write about what makes you happy instead.

You may have been hurt, but you have hurt others too.
I guess that's what this apology was about, but it didn't cover everything.
I needed to say something on a different account, because I am actually nervous that you'll just keep talking about me if I perhaps said the wrong thing.

And if I did, I apologize - I'd rather be blunt to try and just get talking fast.
I might not reply to this because it's a new account, but you might not reply either maybe.

I'll get off now
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