To wit: “foreign-economic policy needs to aim less at simply opening markets abroad,& much more directly at inclusive econ growth at home. For decades, econ benefits of globalization &US leadership abroad have skewed toward big multinationals &top earners. This needs to change.”
“A crucial component of immigration reform is active diplomacy that aims to help ensure border security, create safe gateways for workers &immigrants who add dynamism to our economy &society, &anchor people in Central America &Mexico to a sense of security &economic possibility.
“What Americans we talked w seem to be looking for is a humbler foreign policy, more restrained @ using military force &more disciplined @ employing diplomacy first. Values &human rights matter, from their perspective, &America ought to invest in rebuilding power of its example.”
But we need more critical thinking in this increasingly popular but unchallenged canard that “We deluded ourselves w magical thinking about our capacity to remake other societies, while neglecting the urgent need to remake our own.”
It lets the US off the hook for its deliberate and knowing policies that did not seek to “remake societies” but to destroy them, or aid and abet their destruction. See Iraq, yemen, Palestine.
We need to recognize that our failures in the Middle East are not cuz of our naïveté and oh tisk tisk just trying too darn hard to help “those people” but cuz we have & continue to support tyrannical, abusive govt’s that terrorize their citizens, people abroad &people they occupy
A more honest reckoning to revamp our foreign policy would include recommendations to end arming, aiding, and protecting abusive govts cuz it serves our strategic and ethical interests alike.
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