How many of you have personally participated in No-Knock versus Knock and Announce search warrants? I have. With local agencies and federal. Let me describe a Knock and Announce with the FBI. So, we’re doing a big takedown in Baltimore, and I get assigned to meet a few FBI agents
in Edmondson Village. I’ve got the ram, and my partner has the bunker. We have a brief discussion, and they make it very clear, “We’re not just busting this door down Barksdale.” Ok. We walk up, me plus 5, plus the 2 agents. We’re standing visibly on the porch. We cover the
windows with our guns, and the agents start knocking. Hard! Then they loudly announce “Federal Bureau of Investigation! We have a search warrant for your premise.” Now, my training was that you never stand directly in front of a door. We call that the “fatal funnel.” I’m in total
disbelief. Then the agents start looking at their watches after each Knock and Announce. After what seemed like forever they tell me to hit the door, but then suddenly a voice yells “Okay, I’m coming!” Where I’m going here is that if you think the drug team in Louisville did that
I’d say I strongly doubt it. There’s many other ways serve warrants. Ruse or pre-raid surveillance to arrest target(s)prior to entry of the dwelling. Slowing down, critical thinking, and ending the chasing of stats for stat sake is what must be taught. My long tweet for today.
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