1/ U.S. has some of the highest rates of gun violence in the world (particularly as compared to other rich countries).

40,000 Americans die from guns each year.

Yet Amy Coney Barrett literally wrote an opinion that argued that some felons SHOULD HAVE ACCESS TO FIREARMS
2/ Amy Coney Barrett was presented with evidence that:

non violent felons often rearrested for violent crimes

non violent felons ⬆️ recidivism rate & likely to commit violent acts

even handgun purchasers w/ 1 prior misdemeanor are5x as likely to be charged w/ firearm offense
3/ She was presented with evidence showing that people convicted of non-violent felonies POSE A SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER PUBLIC SAFETY RISK and yet she STILL wrote that banning non-violent felons from owning does not substantially advance the government’s interest
4/ If it's not in the government's interest to protect the lives of its citizens from ppl who pose significant risk to public safety, then what in the world are we even talking about?

Amy Coney Barrett's inability to balance #2A right w/ right to public safety is VERY DANGEROUS
5/ Make no mistake about it: Amy Coney Barrett is an absolute extremist who will further corrupt the law -- and the Second Amendment -- to prioritize gun ownership above our safety, our lives, our children's lives, our family's lives.

Absolutely not.

Not on our watch.
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