Aria: "Neo-Venezia"
This Thread is spoiler free (I didn't finish the series yet) and if you like the thread you should thank
@ElNicoVlogs and @SAniyoukoso for encouraging me to do it
Aria is a very relaxing series for a lot of people and
including me. From its fun cast of characters that makes you feel welcomed to the beautiful animations and the most important thing is its world that has been brought to life by these beautiful animations .
Neo-Venezia is a magical place that brings comfort and happiness to the characters of Aria and who really can blame them for feeling like that, bc I also feel like that.
For me Neo-Venezia is a place that I would be more than happy to live in.
Neo-Venezia is a magical place that brings comfort to me personally.
It may be bc of its old buildings that makes you feel welcomed, the old shops , the fresh smell of bread and coffee , the water that covers most of city , the undine that works in the vast spaces of water or-
it may be the cheerful people who live in its beautiful buildings , work its beautiful shops and their welcoming nature.
All of that created a place that feels calm and relaxing and that my be why I always watch an ep when I am exhausted and want to relax.
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