It's disingenuous to conflate the discipline of gender studies; mainstream, ostensibly trans-supportive rhetoric produced by liberal cis ppl, and the ideas of 'trans activists'. There's overlap but also plenty of tensions.
There are a large amount of people who are uninterested in nuance and just want to dunk on trans/GNC people/their allies or 'T3RFs' (perceived to be acceptable female targets for misogyny). It sucks.
A big problem with the British media is that the narrative - whether anti-transphobia or deeply transphobic - is overwhelmingly by and for cis people somewhere on the spectrum between liberal-left and far-right. I don't think enough ppl truly understand this
Even media coverage that presents itself as pro trans is frequently led from the perspective of the cis parents of GNC kids. The trans ppl who write stuff that gets clicks tend to be unrepresentative but get treated as though they are The Trans Community.
And because there's been decades of horrible dehumanising coverage, there can be a reluctance to criticise the crappy politics of trans ppl and allies who are prominent in the media. And u get allies who think that supporting the crap liberal takes of other alllies = activism
Idk why the tweets in this thread are in the wrong order but TL;DR when you consume media think about who produced it and why. Not just who's the face of it. Who commissioned it?
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