I’ve seen a lot MLB community members address mental health because it is something to be aware of however I’ve yet to see someone address sleep deprivation within the MLB community... With that being said I’m going to step up and speak upon it... I’ve been meaning to address it
I just haven’t around to it but the other night in my stream made me realize I needed to do it... I had a viewer make a comment where he stated “ok Reb I need to go to bed now in 4 hours I have to be in school” I replied “what are you still doing up man”
Response was “I’m 15 I don’t need to sleep much.” I just want to say if you’re a young person in the community and have this thought process I’m gonna tell you that you NEED to correct it immediately. Although you feel like you can get away with it at a young age you’re only
stunting and damaging your growing process. If you aspire to play college or pro ball I can promise you that 3-6 hours of sleep just isn’t going to cut it. As a young individual this is the best time in your life to setup a strong foundation for your future physically & mentally
and sleep is a HUGE component in that process. With that being said you might think I’m silly for speaking upon this subject but I’m just trying to help out.. As for the oldest community sleep deprivation also plays a factor into mental well being and physical well being...
7-9 hours of sleep is what need to be getting in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Society in present time has essentially made it acceptable to forget about our well-being. Well guess what fuck that fight to be your best self so you can be there for your family as long as
possible!!! With that being idc about being mocked or laughed at if this helps just 1 person realize they need to be better then I did my part !! I love you all MLB community !!
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