OK #CatholicTwitter, got a big question here. It comes to me via DM from a guy we'll call Jimmy.

"I am a Baptist but have in recent months been going deeper in history. I’ve been reading church fathers and books of church history. I’m open to Catholicism." (1/5)
"With that said," Jimmy continues. "I’m a little concerned by what seems to be a catholic population who seems to be at their wits end with their own church. Why should I join the Catholic Church?" (2/5)
There's no easy answer to this. I've commented recently that I think converts coming into the Church right now are doing so via a triumph of grace. They know what they're getting into, & yet God is drawing them in. People like @StefMLozinski, for example. (3/5)
I've been admitting to my own struggles lately. As a lifelong Catholic, I want a slam dunk answer, but I don't have one. I still operate on the belief that Catholicism is the one True Faith, the Church that Christ established. But that's harder to defend now. (4/5)
I know many of you have greater faith, & greater certitude than I do. I'm just a poor sinner trying to stumble forward in the dark without hitting my shins on the coffee table as I grope for the light switch.

If you could help Jimmy out, though, he's watching this thread. (5/5)
You can follow @SteveSkojec.
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