Question for any Green Party people (including @GreenPartyMCNY):

When the two conflict, is the primary goal of the modern Green Party to take down the two party system or to advance Green policies?

(Pulling this out of the thread to avoid cluttering people's mentions.)
I understand pushing for both, but I had assumed that when the two conflict the preference would be for notching policy wins. Either I made an incorrect assumption or Green folks are really shooting themselves in the foot.
This thread for example includes the Green Party still arguing that there's no difference between Clinton and Trump even though a 6-3 conservative court will make it much much harder to find legislative solutions to climate change. In addition to Trump's anti-environmental moves.
That suggests either (a) the Green Party at this point is more interested in undermining the two party system than in advancing Green policies, or (b) the decentralized nature of the party is empowering spokespeople that undermine the party's goals.
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