I started thinking about Sociology class at CHS, and what were the characteristics of a cult and now I’m like 😬😬😬😬 https://twitter.com/hankgreen/status/1309317055439540224
1. Your whole life is devoted to that single cause. The fact they someone unaffiliated with the official trump campaign operates a business of just trump merch sends a clear message
This is from a satirical comic so it’s important to note that this isn’t a real life example but it’s kinda pretty accurate
And in a way that totally proves this point, people reported the comic
2. You only put your faith in a single person.

I don’t feel like expanding in this because it’s pretty self explanatory. Trump constantly speaks with rhetoric that is very ego centric. And everyone unfortunately plays along.
And finally 3. They will do everything in their power to keep you there, and people who do manage to leave are shunned and constantly shamed.

The trump family had no problem immediately “ex-communicating” Mary Trump for the release of her new book.
As for the rest of the country, the shunning and shaming isn’t as extreme, but it was hard for me to find examples of Democrats, and Republicans interacting online. (I know it’s out there but I could find it)
Now this is a problem beyond trump supporters, but everyone seems to stick to their own circles, and that’s not very good in terms of finding compromise.
I’ve been trying to expose myself to more consecutive media, and while I do sympathize at times....
The tone is honestly quite snobbish and condescending. That could be the case for more stuff that I haven’t been exposed to, but that doesn’t negate the fact that I feel that way when listening to this.
My big point here, the divide is some big stuff. From consuming media from both sides of the aisle, my biggest takeaway, is people need to talk to each other. I don’t mean that in a “y r we fighting? We don’t need to be mean to each other uwu”
People have their right to protest and I support that. I just mean you probably know people in your life are more centrist than you think. So be open to a conversation. And no matter how dumb the other person sounds, you owe it to them to give a chance, because you don’t...
How do you expect them to listen to you? Especially when it might be VERY important to let them know what you have to say.
Honestly, I’m pretty sure I’ve probably gotten a thing or two wrong in this thread so please don’t hesitate to call me out. Because how else am I gonna learn?
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