Fun fact - this album sold more copies in the UK than the US, despite having 1/5 the population. Women and gays dyed their hair red... straight men were wearing pop girl merch... I have never known a pop era so universally stanned by a nation. Rihanna is the true queen of the UK.
Yes I am now giving the album a full playthrough. Going ✈️ 8x plat Xx
1. S&M... WHAT an opener.. Also was the remix the first time there was ever a song “ft.” Britney Spears? The iconicity
2. What’s My Name - the video is peak “if anyone else was wearing this I wouldn’t think they looked good but Rihanna wore it so it’s fashion now”. Drake is another non-Brit Brits really love isn’t he. Not me tho he gives me the lowkey nonce vibe ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
3. Cheers (Drink To That) - The outrageous Avril Lavigne I’m with You sample only sounds more iconic now the song is about 20 years old.
Fading - the first of few non-singles... She’s cute.. Cute next to gorgeous on this album tho IMO
5. Only Girl In The World - her first step in moving the sound of pop toward dance that she took even further with her next lead single We Found Love. Despite employing the most cliche rhyme in music history and also sounding like she says “like im a pork pie”, a legendary song
California King Bed - Rihanna or SHANIA? She has the range luvs! I’ve had a long week and have been a bit hungover today and I think this is going to make me burst into tears??
7. Man Down. Omg I was OBSESSED with this song. So glad it got the full music vid treatment. Co-written by the Shontelligent queen herself Shontelle.
8. Raining Men - “Ri Ri what rhymes with your name freely... really really no for real REALLY” is peak bonkers early Nicki Minaj talking absolute iconic BOLLOCKS
9. Complicated - She really serves vocals on this track. That WAILING chorus. Go on luv give it some welly! Xx
10. Skin - Not heard this for a while, defo my least played track, but here’s she’s showing her love for the UK music scene as one of the first high profile international adopters of dubstep, which she continued to use over her next couple of albums.
11. Love The Way You Lie II-Her part is pretty but I’m glad the world has moved past the need to have Eminem rapping about abusing his partner on the radio. Skylar Grey (writer) wanted to release this but the label gave it to Ri..That’s showbiz! Xx The royalties soften the blow.
Well that was a bit of impromptu music journalism !!? Hope someone enjoyed it! 👁👄👁 I’ll leave you with these pics of me from my *~*•pop stars•*~* theme [redacted]th birthday party in 2011... 💖 Xxx
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