Sometimes I think about the existence of the late Midnight Society and Etho playing pvp maps and games with a group of people, feeling relaxed and having fun, and I don't know why but I just... go through it, man.
It's the same with King of the Ladders, Race for the Wool, or UHC, and any Mindcrack shenanigans, I've got some kind of weird nostalgic feeling about something I haven't experienced live.
Don't get me wrong, I love the Etho we're getting now, and in a lot of ways, for a lot of reasons, I am very glad I've discovered him so recently, but there's something about the young, laid-back Etho, just making friends, having fun, and growing comfortable in his skin.
I mean, it's kind of close to the way I look at my friends' teenage kids or siblings, there's a sense of wonder and excitement in them I seem to have lost, everything is lighter and still possible.
Oh boy. Yeah, anyway-
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