This week is #posdocappreciation week. Lots of love being shared by scientists for trainees across the globe. My two cents.
1. The postdocs I have worked alongside when I was a trainee and now as a PI have made me a better person and scientist.
2. I am indebted to all of the postdocs I have worked with for their ideas, their ability to chase an exciting story, and for letting me be on the ride with them.
3. I am a big fan and supporters of trainees everywhere, and will continue to be a strong advocate for them on an individual, institutional and macro level.
4. I do think that @RossLevineLab has the best damm postdocs anywhere (and every PI should feel the same about their group). No one better to work with every, single day.
5. Their commitment to each other, to science, and to society writ large during the pandemic inspires me every day to be better and do better.
6. We need to improve the extent, nature, and mechanisms available to support postdocs. So honored to have @UshmaNeill and @yfortiss at the helm at @sloan_kettering, and to see our institution innovate and support our trainees.
7. I am also honored to help organizations like @TheMarkFdn @ASH_hematology @LLSResearch @DamonRunyon and many others to support the next generation of scientists. They are leading the way.
8. That being said, there is a LOT we can do better. We need to rethink scientific meetings (more trainee opportunities), work@lab vs. work@home/flexible working, childcare, career development/mentorship and so much more. A lot we need to do esp right now during covid-19.
9. We need to make the job search process more transparent, and allow trainees to have complete visibility into job opportunities, hiring plans, and extent of support available for jobs BEFORE they apply.
10. Mentors need to continue to step up, and provide local and national/international mentorship. Trainees need us to meet them MORE than halfway.
11. I am committed to being a better PI/colleague and mentor over time, and to helping my trainees be the same. Only together can we make a difference in science, society, and the careers of future leaders.
You can follow @rosslevinemd.
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