Childless Malthusians for sub-replacement level population growth in the industrialized world, a 501(c)3.
Alright, I'm gonna go down this rabbit hole. Check out these hysterics.
Lol. "overpopulation is not just a problem to be addressed in the global south"
"Stoking economic growth isn’t a good reason to bring a child into the world. If we can contract our population, a sustainable economy will be one that is sized to match."
"A healthy economy is one that is just big enough to meet our needs, and doesn’t outstrip limited resources." A brief survey of the history of human development suggests that industry and enterprise have overcome every resource deficiency we've encountered.
"contracting population also must be part of the equation."
Mark it down, folks: "By 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and 2/3 of the world population could be under water stress conditions." Surely, someone is going to hold his prediction to account. Right?
Among the problems that can be addressed by draconian population controls like those imposed on Chinese families for decades are: the "dilution of representative democracy; increasing bureaucratic complexity and loss of personal freedoms."
Yes, seriously.
"Over 40% of the global population – 3.4 billion people – live on less than $5.50 a day." We can fix that by depriving the world of a productive population that produces wealth and provides for increased standards of living.
What? "The Earth can generate renewable resources and absorb humanity’s wastes for only about 2 to 3 billion people at an average European’s level of consumption." We haven't had a global population lower than 3 billion since 1960.
"If all countries followed the lead of countries with the lowest fertility rates – including Taiwan, Poland, South Korea, Japan and Italy – we could reach a global population of less than 4 billion by 2100!" #Goals
Okay guys... here it gets really fun. If you dig all the way down to the supportive links, we find out that even a one-child family is too much. Learn how to be "CHILDFREE! 
"This is a series about liberating you ... to celebrate a choice that challenges antiquated perspectives about gender, sex, love, and what it means to be a real family in society." By "real family" they mean, I guess, perpetually dating.
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