@_Kalyan_K You should be ashamed of yourself. For running a company with the most useless bunch as customer care executives. Find me one social media post of @Flipkart where you won't find people calling you out on your fraudulent practices.
Does it really take 14 days to check something with @Flipkart's partner and get back to your customer? I even had a chance to talk to an exec who openly admitted you've got to escalate your issue if anything has to be done about it although that did nothing for me. @_Kalyan_K
So here's the flipkart customer care MO.
* they listen to your issue
* they register a case in their system
* they tell the customer a date by which they promise to get back to the customer with solution(this is usually a week from the date of call) @Flipkart @_Kalyan_K
* on the day of the deadline, they send a mail with a new deadline
* the last step keep repeating forever
@_Kalyan_K @Flipkart
Here's what I'm going to do:
I'm going to tweet this everyday till I get a satisfactory resolution plus a fair compensation for the time and effort I put to resolve a simple issue. And I'm going to keep tagging @_Kalyan_K and @Flipkart on each and every one of those tweets.
@Flipkart and @_Kalyan_K , if you want to learn how customers are to be treated, please learn a thing or two from @amazonIN or even @TataCLiQ .
Oh, and BTW I even talked to a customer care executive who wouldn't reveal his name when i wanted to report him for mocking me and using a condescending tone on me. He actually said he has no name. @Flipkart @_Kalyan_K
At this point it's just expected as the norm since your customer care is literally garbage. I'm telling this from at least 5 incidents that had happened to me and my family with @Flipkart . @_Kalyan_K
@FlipkartStories : I really think you should do a story on this. This is the ground reality about how @Flipkart works. If you need more stories, why don't you go check the comments on your social media posts. You'll find many like this thread. @_Kalyan_K
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