earth signs need to get better at acknowledging their little victories. it’s like if they don’t reach the high standard they’re trying to reach immediately, it’s trash to them. that’s not r e a l i s t i c chile. you think you’re being realistic but no it’s unfair to you.
earth signs are so supportive towards their friends. they give such unending love & appreciation towards their friends endeavors & do their best to be there for them. but when it comes to their own accomplishments? they do not show themselves the same love they show their friends
we all struggle with something. we all have tendencies we need to be better at controlling. this is one of them for you. you don’t have to lower your standard, but you absolutely have to start giving yourself the credit you actually deserve. stop robbing yourself of happiness.
you need to water your self esteem in order for it to grow babe. i understand the whole “down to earth practical” vibe you got going but some things cannot be black and white. gray areas EXIST and it’s your job to help yourself navigate them.
okay so you didn’t accomplish this thing in the amount of time you thought you could. are you gonna quit now? what DID you accomplish? list it. don’t even get me started on your tendency to self sabotage because of your fear of failure. listen... live a little.
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