THREAD: Figured id explain why I enjoy #NFT digital collecting so much.

Let’s start with the most obvious.
1/ Physical galleries are closed around the world. I used to frequent them & now few are open due to Covid. And even if they were, what then?

Most aren’t savvy enough to visit a gallery or auction house and negotiate good art buys. I’m not.

But most do have a computer 👌🏼
2/ Online retail is, in many ways, superior to physical retail. No travel required, easier purchase, and can buy globally without leaving your couch.

Certainly you can buy physical art this way. Though you can’t inspect the art in person. This isn’t an issue for digital though.
3/ With digital art & collectibles there are unique ways to display them, as digitally native assets.

- online galleries
- digital frames
- streaming/casting to device
- VR/AR worlds

There are objectively more ways to exhibit digital art compared to physical art.
4/ Digital goods are also easily transferable. They have no weight. I can send my digital art to a friend, or to another residence of mine at near zero cost.

If you’ve ever had to transport physical art you’ll realize how much of a pain it is. And damage potential...
5/ Digital art is significantly harder to destroy or damage compared to physical art.

With NFTs, all you need is access to the keys to own the asset. These can be stored securely or even in your own memory.

Not subject to fire, water or theft in the same way physical assets are
6/ Digital goods can be bought, sold, and delivered in unique ways also. Think of the recent @muratpak drop on @niftygateway where unsold assets were burned. Or airdrops of unique assets to collectors. Or a series where ownership of the whole series unlocks a special item.
7/ Finally, NFT technology can enable ownership of digital goods to unlock access to things. This access can be in the form of access to physical events, unique online experiences, governance for a protocol, interest rewards, insurance, and so much more.
8/ I want to be clear, I love physical art. I am a collector of physical as well. But the opportunities in digital are just too good to be ignoring.

The future of art and art ownership is digital, for reasons I just mentioned and reasons yet undiscovered.

Hope this helps!
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