I think that -- no, wait, I know -- that kids aren't born with the kind of adult palates that take years to develop. https://twitter.com/JillFilipovic/status/1309350316333240322
I know that being more comfortable with "bland" food for a period of time is developmentally appropriate and that kids sticking with the foods they *know* instead of risking something they hate being put in their mouth is understandable.
I know that for whatever reason, some kids don't "grow out" of picky, comfortable eating and that being a picky eater as an adult is something that happens, it isn't immature, and empathy at all stages is appreciated.
I know that food preferences, like music or clothing preferences, is unique to every individual and parents should force their preferences on their kids.

You can't force people to like things they don't and you shouldn't try.
I know I was a picky eater until I was 27 and then I went to culinary school, became a food writer and cookbook editor, and then wrote SUFFERING SUCCOTASH: A PICKY EATER'S QUEST TO UNDERSTAND WHY WE HATE THE FOODS WE HATE
And I know that I wrote the middle grade novel, THE LEAGUE OF PICKY EATERS (Clarion 2021), for kids who don't understand why so many adults feel the need to place unrealistic food expectations on them.
Finally, I know that I'm a mother of two boys and have learned that fights around food are not fights worth having.
On the subject of the ever-present "beige" foods in the life of a kid: a scientist at Monell told me her theory was that the preference for bread, pasta, carbs, etc stemmed from a biological need.
That kids bodies are growing really fast and processing huge amounts of calories to do so. When they want the "beige" foods it's because their body is telling them they need that sustainable, carb-based energy to grow. By comparison fruits and vegs get digested too quickly.
Kids are listening to their bodies, according to the scientist.
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