Here is the week that was for #UnlockMichigan. Try to keep up with me!

It started with Liberal Operative #1, named Paul, who infiltrated a subcontractor of a subcontractor, said crazy things, urged illegality and perjury, then disappeared.

The crazy rant was “coincidentally” captured on video by Liberal Operative #2, probably named Teddy, who was put up to it by Liberal Operative #3, named Mark, and the video was fed to the press.

Along comes Liberal Operative #4, named John, styling himself as an independent expert (spoiler alert: he’s a Whitmer lawyer!) professing himself shocked, SHOCKED, that liberals could behave so badly. He bangs his spoon on his high chair tray and demands an investigation!

Of course Liberal Operative #4 realizes that Liberal Operative #1 was just captured on video coaching people how to perjure themselves if investigated, but LOL!

Enter Liberal Operative #5, Kelly. In the AM Kelly high-fives her daughter (Liberal Operative #2) on Facebook, for starting the whole caper. In the PM Kelly solemnly opines, as the spokeshack of the Attorney General, how seriously they will take the investigation.

Small world, right?

Lost in this farce is the fact that an army of 80,000 activists collected >500,000 signatures in <80 days to #UnlockMichigan, and put an end to @GovWhitmer’s rule-by-decree. It’s almost as if #3 yelled “Squirrel!” & the press chased after it like my Labrador!

It’s a shame, because these 80,000 activists did the impossible, and because this issue is really substantive. The whole video shenanigan is much more entertaining, but settling the issue of emergency powers is vastly more important.

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