My ranking of Roman Emperors, according to how hot I find them and why, a THREAD:

#1: Caligula

I like em' hot and a little bit crazy. Definitely a sexual deviant, supposedly insane, and certified hotty. Look no further, boys, this is the ultimate bad boy.
#2: Lucius Verus

Marcus Aurelius may have gotten the brains in the family, but Lucius Verus definitely got the looks. He enjoyed the finer things in life and apparently knew how to treat a lady to a good time. If he was alive today, you'd find him on Scruff. Total daddy.
#3: Octavian/Augustus

He found Rome a city of brick, and left it a city of marble. A cherub haired, angular jawed, perfectly symmetrical symbol off youth and divine good looks, he established the Pax Romana. Now there's a man who knew how to take charge, if you get my meaning.
#4: Domitian

The classic brooding, enigmatic type, who enjoyed solitude and writing poetry. He is said to have a self-deprecating sense of humour and often communicated in a cryptic manner. BUT Suetonius described him as tall and handsome, with large eyes. The romantic type.
#5: Alexander Severus

The ultimate twink, beating even Elagabalus. It's telling that his death brought about the Epoch of Crisis for the Roman Empire, a sign that the loss of this beauty shook the world.
#6: Commodus

Anyone who was portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix in Gladiator must've been hot IRL. Historians described his extreme good looks and impressive physique. Another bad boy, he took what he wanted, when he wanted it, and I hope that would've included me.
@p_historians i wrote this thread thinking of your love for Augustus and Tiberius
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