50 reasons why I love winter more:
1.I reallllyyyyy prefer winter clothes
2.sleeping to the sound of the rain
3.The lightning is actually soooooo pretty
4.drinking hot chocolate
5. Movie marathons when getting a sudden vacation
6.funny socks
7.Fairouz just hits different at 7 am
8.the sky is actually soooooo pretty, like u can't be annoyed that much by the sun
9.I love to like heke curl up myself in bed and have more than one cover on me
10. my hodies are really nice
11.I have a special Playlist for winter morning walks
12.Walking under the rain with the right music, or even with no music at all is just>>>>>
13.smokimg under ur umbrella, and the scattering of it after it hits it is just so wholesome
14.the sound of raindrops above my umbrella just makes me so happy
15.playing with water and snow
16.people are actually more nice in winter(I think that)
17.I eat more at winter
18. my dogs' fur grow A LOT LONGER which is absolutely adorable and cute
19. Winter car rides are just better
20.I love it when heke ur super cold w someone comes and hugs u and u feel warm again
21.I love it when Im super cold after a walk in the rain, w I call my mom before arriving w I tell her (sa5ne lazan) w enter the shower shivering and just heke feeeeeel the hot water in my veins uk?
22.I hate going out, I'm more of a night in person, so I love sleeping over at -
My friends' houses wheke stay up till the morning
23.I sleep more in winter because I get more sleepy
24. I still remeber my grandmother knitting us clothes before her death
25. Snow
26. Wearing comfy pjs
27. CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!
28.the sound of rain against ur window
29.seeing ur own breath
30.rosy cheeks on kids
32.U enjoy the gym hours more
33.cosy cuddles
34.ear warming thingies
35.winter walks
36.reading books before sleeping is just better in winter
37.playing x-o on steamy windows
38.sun trying its best to stream its rays through clouds
39.warm water is actually drinkable
40.enjoying every moment
41.the excitement and eagerness of school getting cancelled because of the cold
42. reallllyyyyy heavy wind
43.u don't sweat alot like in summer
44.watching friends Thanksgiving episodes
45. hot tubs
46.wearing eveythong u love as one outfit
48.the air smells better
49. NO MORE BUGSSSS!!!!!!!!
50.I mean it's the love season🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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