making a thread of ocs so i have them at hand to redraw /redesign and not dig my ig each time OTL, starting from 'newest' (last year) to oldest (17) i couldn't bother to go beyond that....
reminder to self: they all live in the same 'universe' as main ocs, malas influencias
farm relevant (1/?)
forgotten sea creatures (1/?)
forgotten sea creatures (2/2)
horse thing
farm relevant (2/?)
farm relevant (3/?)
religi0us lore relevant (1/?)
a long story but some of my fave forever ocs (first pic is animation, gotta find that file... before is too late)
reminder to self: dont lose (1)
rs: dont lose(2)
rs:dont lose (3)
the ultimate forgotten ocs that i havent drawn since january of '18
religi0us lore plus a forgotten orig. comic.......
malas influencias f*rry designs that i never drew again. ('17)
(end of thread)(?)
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