A thread about marijuana. 🧵
I am not the first person to write about this. I won't be the last. I am not even the first charismatic, reformed, politically liberal white guy to write about it, probably.

But I wanted to write about it because I think it bears some consideration.
Let me get some stuff out of the way REAL QUICK:

1. I am pro-legalization.
2. I am pro-recreational use.
3. I have used it before.
4. No matter where my opinions fall, I think companies can enforce their desired policies regarding this.
Now, I know many of you will disagree with JUST those four things in their own ways. But I want to write about this because I want you to see it from a potentially biblical standpoint.

First up: most marijuana prohibition policy is straight up racist.
No, really. The origin of these laws were from the middle of the last century and were specifically used against Mexican immigrant labor.
Remember: white people will literally study an immigrant/minority group's habits to determine HOW TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST THEM.

So the laws put on the books allowed "good, God-fearing, white folk" to arrest, incarcerate, and punish BIPOC people.

That, on its own, is plenty.
And because I know most of my audience reading this, I would love to remind you of how many church doctrines were formed in the 20th century, based in large part on the laws/standards of the prevailing majority of people.
So the argument against marijuana generally follows the arguments against drunkenness.

That seems pretty easy, really. I mean, if you drink two bottles of wine, and that's wrong, then what about taking a hit of cannabis?
Not so fast, JMac.

Understanding drugs, in all forms, is helpful in this.

Alcohol, specifically ethanol, is a drug. Unless you're IFB or some other fundamentalist style teetotaler, you have a fairly relaxed view of alcohol. You believe it can be consumed in moderation.
So, if the law permits it, why not treat marijuana the same way?

"Well, because..."

Exactly. But I have heard people say that even a small amount of marijuana is unacceptable because it's too potent, too strong, to be considered.

That argument is really thin, honestly.
A person whose desires have been captured by Jesus isn't any more or less at risk of sinning with marijuana than they are with alcohol. Or tobacco.

For some people, just like with alcohol, it's a non-starter. They can't stop. They can't limit themselves. And to them? You do you
I believe that the right response with regard to cannabis is one of conscience. If you can't take your life without it? That's a problem. If you can't go a day, a week, a month without it? That's a problem. But the same goes for alcohol. The same goes for tobacco.

And now I want to do something weird: I want to encourage some of you to try it.

Some of you live in a state where use is legal, even recreational. Some of you have chronic pain. Some of you could genuinely benefit from it, and never violate your conscience.
And I am going to limit replies on this because I genuinely don't give a fig if trolls feel like coming in here and starting shit over this.

But if you want to discuss and I follow you? Let's go!
Happy #Friyay!
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