Chair of the North Carolina State Board of Elections, Damon Circosta, says that the allegations made by two resigning board members that they were “mislead” are not true.

The #NCSBE will release the meeting minutes and related memos.

At an emergency #NCSBE meeting this morning, Circosta addressed allegations made by the NC Republican Party about deliberations around a proposed settlement of a lawsuit.

He said that the Board had met in closed session to with lawyers to preserve attorney-client privilege. 2/
Cicosta says that because the two resigning members took it upon themselves to talk about the closed session and made allegations that are "unsupported", the #NCSBE will be releasing memos prepared for and distributed at the closed session as well as minutes. 3/
Cicosta said that the #NCSBE had robust discussions about the lawsuit and proposed settlements of the case, with ample opportunity for each Board member to ask questions and have questions answered. 4/
Full statement from #NCSBE chair, Damon Circosta, refuting claims by two resigning Republican members of the board about a settlement agreement:
The #NCSBE waived privilege in order to release minutes of closed session during which they deliberated a proposed settlement of a lawsuit. #NCPol

Link to minutes:
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