After several dry runs, I've finally initiated my #CrusaderKingsIII master campaign to conquer Africa. I've started at the earliest possible date, with a random ruler.

My requirements were 1) Modest Holdings, 2) Relatively Young, and 3) No astonishingly bad traits.
This dude was okay. Lustful is a great trait, because it means more kids (CKIII is a DYNASTIC game; the only real game-over is if you bloodline goes extinct), and Just means vassals will be less dickish. He also has Patient, which is... fine?

Lustful is the only real killer get.
Unfortunately, turns out dude was spec'ed for Intrigue, which isn't really... what I wanted? But I took that Lifestyle path anyway, mostly to make him an irresistible fuck machine.

Y'never know when that might come in handy.
The moment I started, I got this tutorial tip, which was... odd. I mean, the dude spawns with a wife and son. He's not heirless.

But whatever, bugs are gonna happen, not a big deal.
Anyway, my first three moves in CKIII are always

-Optimize the Council (This one was OK, I guess, pretty typical for a starter Council)
-Examine my religious tenets (Nothing I can't work with, but I'll reform it anyway later)
-Start romancing my spouse. You need them to ♥ you.
A romanced spouse means more (legitimate) kids, which means more opportunities to get a good heir. I know some people do the whole "Have one kid to avoid inheritance-related disasters" thing, but if that kid dies? You're in all kinds of trouble, in this game. Too risky, for me.
Anyway, this popped up as I was raiding my neighbors.

No concern of mine. Y'all can get as crazy as you want up there.
After a couple hours of play, I've managed to establish a High Chiefdom by conquering a few bordering territories. I've also been outed as an adulterer, which is annoying, because now I can't spend piety to start wars.

The bastard kid we had didn't even get any good traits. Feh
But hell, I'm gonna be an adulterer forever, now, and my wife has already had seven babies, so it hardly matters if I fuck around now.

My next target is this woman, who I recruited to my court after saving me from a croc.
I can't play more until this weekend, but my to-do list:

-Seduce up this lady
-Raid neighbors for capitves/booty so I can afford a pilgrimage to fix my Piety level
-Reform my religion to include Cannbalism, decriminalize adultery
-Marry kids to strong allies, conquer neighbors.
Me, my wife, and my very clever, book-smart, appallingly-shitty-at-warfare heir.
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