❤ this tweet and I will write something nice about you.
@tobeconfirmed you seem like a very smart thinker and I also appreciate your excellent pizza tweets, they make me hungry.
@JDMessias I enjoy your takes on the industry and our little quiet tweets on jewish things and nerdy things, it's good to share :)
@ewpaisley I really enjoy your thinking, you share such interesting thoughts and come across as super smart, and a great photographer. I would love to chat sometime and share thoughts over zoom I think it would be fun!
@kashfiakabir You are the Best Ever. I LOVE YOUUUUUU. Nerds 4eva
@kimlovesstuff I love your astrology and feminist content it is excellent, and your hair colour is gorgeousssss. We should do our chat sometime!
@copycontentw I very much appreciate your tweets on my feed, particularly writing about how hard it has been to write with all *this*, I think your honesty made it easier for a lot of people to be honest too and that is very brave. You seem like an all-round good writer egg :)
@saloneegadgil you seem like a super person, I love your tweets and grams, I love your style, you seem super cool and fun to be around and know! I hope one day post-apocalypse we can go for a drink or something I think it would be fun :)
@benjrmckinney I remember watching you at the copycon and thinking shit this guy's got himself together, he's going to go far. You seem like a lovely person and great writer, and I hope freelance copywriting has cracked up to be everything you hoped for.
@speechmarks I appreciate your political tweets and dry humour, they have made me laugh and think many times. Plus it sounds like Podium does some very interesting things.
@juliamarygraham You are the BEST :) a lovely copywriter, a lovely human bean, and your recent cow content is VERY excellent. You make me think about my choices and I'm slowly changing them. I appreciate your being :)
You can follow @beccamagnus.
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