ART SHARE for celebrate 1k 😊💕 🎨all welcome,post your art and say something about you. 🎨Retweet this post so other can join. Don't drop and go, support each other and have fun. #artshare
Hy, I'm Angel and I'm an Italian traditional artist and I love made portraits of visual kei artists in color pencils and mix them with animals or flowers composition here my favorite pieces
Here other of my composition with nature.
Here some amazing artist, give them love, i want thank you all of you, for the love and the support you gave me, you are awesome don't forget that. ❤️ @Meramii_ @LMorhiril @enchantedalyx @magical_scope @EvieeChan @ElyaAdair @LacrimaArt @azothraven @YuueFa @jfeythecurious
You can follow @angelasambuchi.
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