Oh hey, look at the time, it's validation seeking time!

Help me validate my existence pls
1. fahmitsu

Fahmi = my real name
Famitsu = One of Japan's biggest game magazine

2. Who inspires me? Damn be specific please.

Generally = Mom
Professionally = Hironobu Sakaguchi and Neil Gaiman

I also owe Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam for helping me with an important decision 9 years ago through one of his song.
3. Do you care what others think of you?

lol I won't be tweeting this if I don't.
4. What are you looking forward most to?

Releasing a game, if all goes well, it'll be out by the end of October.

Then, immediately starts working on another one that's been frozen due to budget and stuff.
5. What is life one rule you follow?

Fuck, I tweeted this thread without checking the questions. They are hard!

The answer I guess ... "if you have a dream or wanted something, go for it! As long as it's legal and won't put other people in disadvantage or tough position"
6. What is your dream job?

I'm doing it right now. 😏
You can follow @fahmitsu.
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