Latest vocal/auditory memes I'm enjoying, a thread:
Snapping your fingers in agreement like you're at a fucking slam poetry open mic (seen this a lot in queer spaces) 8/10 my favorite way to prop someone up or show that you're feeling what they're saying. The irl retweet. Love it.
Making a 🤮 sound or like a 🤢 when you hate something A LOT. I do it sometimes or like act like I'm choking of my own vomit and can't speak...12/10 makes my partner laugh and that's all I want in life.
WHOMST?!? 6/10 it's getting old but it's still my go to when I have no idea what the fuck is going on.
WHATMST?!? I don't know if this is a *thing* or just a thing my partner says but it's the natural successor to whomst and I love it 8/10 makes me laugh
Saying "shitted" with a D sound so it's like "shidded" 9/10 makes me laugh and reminds me of that tiktok where the seagull shidded in her eye
I'll add to this thread when I think of more.
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