I want to believe that they are not hostile actors. I want them not to be. I want to believe they are doing it for a good cause. I hope they only doing it because they are fed up. But, the more I am digging for the truth, more questions come around and it is not looking good...
They keep attacking my close friends and those who I try to maintain a good relationship with. I never had any issue with them up until now when I noticed a change in their behaviour that started to become increasingly hostile in nature which started to worry me much.
Personally, I don't know what to do. I lead an inconclusive investigation into both with inconclusive findings that lead me to more unanswered questions. As the rhetoric changes over time and becomes more hostile towards those even who were friendly towards them in the past...
...makes me wonder all the more. I'm not going to name who it is but I'm sure everyone can logic it out. I don't hate them personally, but only their behaviour. It went to some lengths that I can no longer agree with. Business interest should never lead to such ends.
It only does when you have become blinded by your desired goals and you readily sacrifice your friends and potential allies and supporters in the process. So tell me.. What are you trying to achieve by doing this? Does it worth it? How do I know that you are not the malice?
I think this have arrived to a turning point, from now on it's not sideways but down and lower only. Nobody wants that, trust me. There has to be a way to do this differently. So, what would you lose if you would listen? There are no reasonable answers why you keep doing this.
Just go back a bit more than a year in time and thought and consider my proposal, back when you still trusted me and me vice versa. Bitterness will only continue to eat you up.
I'll leave with this, the entire decision is within your hands. I know your default response already, but will it worth it?
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