
1st ever, Direct - 100% Evidence - Obama WAS THE RESISTANCE AND ANTIFA, with his OFA (Organizing for action) and associated Indivisible both being led by Moveon.

And it gets better, he worked alongside Marxist "Our Revolution."
Valerie Smith, who ran Moveon, that organized all the resistance with Obama OFA and Marxist "Our revolution", was the Iowa Neighborhood Team Leader for Obama 2012.

Our Revolution is also where the Marxist squad and Antifa Keith Ellison come from.
Here's MoveOn telling AOC that the DSA must drop the word socialist or their election chances will be destroyed.

Instead they just hide the DSA's involvement.

TO: Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Candidate
Progressives, DSA must drop the term "Socialist" now!
Here is evidence that the DSA has turned Marxist. Please read the article and the thread.
And this here also documents the DSA shift further left.
One of the first documented protests after Trumps election was on November 9, 2016. And was organized by the socialist chair woman, in Indianapolis, Audrey Bee. And she had a massive Marxist reading list that included Lenin.
This here shows when the DSA officially moved further left. And partnered with Moveon, Indivisible and Our revolution. Others joined them also.

The DSA also established a People of Color Caucus.
Here is proof that the DSA took on Antifa as a militant wing.
Here's more definitive proof that the DSA took on Antifa as a paramilitary wing of it's party in 2019.

From this day forth, Antifa had a leader.

If you read everything I have presented in this thread, you will see that Obama is the resistance and Antifa
July 2016 - Obama’s Organizing for Action (to become part of the Obama Foundation that raises money for his presidential library) joined such previously formed groups as Wellstone Action.

That dark creepy Soros funded corner in MN that the squad and our revolution comes from.
Gee wonder why these folks, including Amy Klobuchar of that dark dreary corner of MN, flew in New years even and stranded these Ukrainian troops? Stole their transportation back! Why the last minute holiday trip? Why strand them for a photo op?
Ok back to July 2016... Obama and Moveon joined forces. Robert Creamer visited the WH 342 times and with Obama personally 47 times.

Doesn't this sound like Obama organized all the anti trump protests? Seriously, yes?
Obama OFA April 2016 🤦‍♀️

OFA Executive Director Sara El Amine:

"Could more open-source technology like OFA “Connect” – that strengthen peer-to-peer organizing – help save the Right and our country from polarized candidates like Donald
Hillary for America superpac, 20 plus people from Obamas Organizing For Action Helping her.

Do a search, there's a bajillion....
And boom bada bing
Asking for a friend, Obammy. Why do you follow Antifa accounts on Twitter?

Could it be because I’m right?
I’m cross referencing another thread to document Obamas Marxist roots. Read this tweet and all those under it.

This is why Obama is running resistance and a revolution. He wants to turn the US Marxist, and Trump got in the way with his MAGA.
Well, now this is quite interesting... When Marxist Bernie Sanders campaign was over in June 2016, many of his campaign staff went to work for Obamas Organizing For Action (OFA).

Well, this would certainly give Obamas org an even greater Marxist slant.
Further evidence that the protests have always been Marxist.

Dec 20, 2015 Dump Trump Racism Rally - With a long list of partners like:

Solidarity with Ukraine Antifascists Committee
Workers World Party
Party of Communists USA
Palestine Youth Movement
I’ve had this since Feb 2017. The DOJ and FBI have let us down.

Sperry discusses Obamas shadow gov, OFA org, used to sabotage Trump. “Obama has trained tens of thousands of organizers already in Alinsky tactics at his boot camps.”

Americans must be told!
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