All the verbiage and polysyllabic language around gender ideology is hot air. Here are the facts. Sex is fixed at conception and can never change. It is binary. Every person on earth is either male or female and that includes the tiny percentage of intersex people. Gender .....
..., as gender and trans ideology have always firmly
stated, is totally separate from sex. It is what you feel and think. That makes it the same as character or personality. Everyone can and should dress, live and think exactly as they wish, as long as it harms nobody else....
..and that’s it. You cannot alter your sex, so you can’t have the rights belonging to the other sex.however, you can celebrate and own who you want to be, and if that involves third spaces for those whose beliefs don't allow them to be with their own sex at times, fine.
It really is that simple. Male bodies remain male, female bodies remain female. But you can live however you want to and as long as you don’t harm anyone else, you will nearly always be left in peace to do so.
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