✷ My Shitty #Worlds2020 Thread ✷
Non of my mains picked for game 1 I sleep #worlds2020
I’m never hyped for wildcard teams before the match starts bc I don’t know who these teams are but sometimes things get freaky in game and I like that. #worlds2020
Apparently there’s a dress code on the rift: white/blue chromas
Is this worlds or silver solo Q #worlds2020
I hope Tay doesn’t have a Twitter #Worlds2020 turn the notifications off bro
Project ashe ult sfx makes me nut
Shelly is a fucking troll lmao #worlds2020
Ok that play by humanoid was pretty sexc #worlds2020
The way Tay goes from troll TP to most kills in the game. This is why wildcard matches are fun #worlds2020
Evelyn aram pick #Worlds2020
GG MAD #worlds2020
Waiting for someone to upload that Humanoid gank that was clean
PSG vs R7
Senna game hell yeah #Worlds2020
WTF Bard slippery af that was troll #worlds2020
Ashe killed herself though I’d afk #worlds2020
Leona dumb I don’t think that was a good trade was your pride worth it #worlds2020
PSG has a big pp I think #worlds2020
I wonder if it was worth sending the whole squad bot tho lol they pulled up on em #worlds2020
Missing minions under tower is super relatable
That didn’t go as bad as I thought wow nice save PSG #worlds2020
R7 are playing like try lost a surrender vote 3/5 #worlds2020
Then again PSG’s comp is pretty dirty you can’t really run away from them. #worlds2020
This is so sad #worlds2020
That was a 4v2 and they couldn’t kill em? #worlds2020
GG PSG for winning co-op vs ai #worlds2020
If you have anxiety about your end of season ranked climb just know your games probably won’t be as bad as PSG v R7 I believe in y’all #worlds2020
I want a real Senna game this time, not a cameo. #worlds2020
Ok no Senna. I look forward to Vlad at least, maybe nidalee too #worlds2020
CAMILLE NA FLASH #worlds2020
Honestly that flash was relatable. I felt that I would’ve done the same #worldsw2020
Idk what’s going on that was kind of really uncoordinated #worlds2020
Disable flash for this game they don’t deserve it #worlds2020
These team fights are so weird #worlds2020
THESE TEAMFIGHTS LOL I don’t know if they know what they are doing #worlds2020
Go next I don’t like this game #worlds2020
DELETED #worlds2020
Tristana got her revenge, good for her. #worlds2020
??????????? That fight wasn’t necessary but Tay is gonna pop off for a second game ? #worlds2020
So legacy will ~eventually~ win right? #worlds2020
Tristana was like “not this time” with the Zoe + Ez combo. GG Legacy #worlds2020
Plz give us another troll game its 4am and I'm tired I need something to hype me up #Worlds2020
Lillia vs Enemy team #worlds2020
I hope his mic was muted with the way he was smackin on that gum. #worlds2020
Missin ults smh who’s calling the shots #worlds2020
Lucian lame duck #worlds2020
This game isn’t going how I expected #worlds2020
PSG are so chonky wow. They can’t be touched hah. #worlds2020
*me going back and unretweeting posts hyping LGD* #worlds2020
PSG did not come to mess around god damn #worlds2020
Braum honey no #worlds2020
Them dragon stacks PSG is a top #worlds2020
PSG GG!! #worlds2020
I’d assume PSG are playing under a lot of pressure with these subs but they are showing up holy shit #worlds2020
Pls sir may I have 1 good Senna game 🥺 #worlds2020
🇺🇸TL vs MAD🇪🇺 #worlds2020
Ok I’m actually to tired to keep tweeting so end of thread
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