JK and V log
V: "We had online concert without audience, so we want to show the contrast between those two.. Our concerts without audience and with audience. And we cannot go ouside now, so showing what we do at home now, in contrast of what we were able to do outside..+
playing outside, or haivng bbq...
(Do you have sources for videos?)

V: We have none. So my idea is....why don't we go to Jeju Island for 10 nights and 11 days... (laugh)

JK: Maybe I can film things outside our regular schedule...?
JK: No V hyung is in charge of schedule
V: I am.....? all of a sudden....?
JK; You have arranged everything thou
V: that, I just did additionally
JK: you did pretty good job. Just do it!
V:Yeah? Do you want me to? you want?
JK: I already thought about taking my camera with me around.
V: But when we perform, he can't film so maybe......(inaudible) he can film us, and we can film him...
JK; I want the video to have ...sort of cutting..or choppy feeling? I mean a lot of different texture.
JK; different angles and perspectives
Staff; Like yours?
Jk; Yes. Or that short clip of Euphoria. You have one plain shot, and zoomed-in shot. There was a version of Euphoria music video which comprised clips that members had taken. And.. if we film us doing performance,
will it not be able to maximize [the emotion, or effect]?? When we do what you said..?
Staff: that can be done in there.
JK: (nod)
Staff: Or.. in the first scene, we can show you guys doing performance with no audience, and then in the next scene coming home and+
+sanitizing your hand.. masks hanging on walls..
(JK laughs)
JK: What happens to the day.. of filming (inaudible) when we go with that plan?
Staff: If we go with your plan, we'll just take one day of performing dates to record clips..or some clean lip-synced clips..
V: If we have.. some videos taken of individuals...during the tours before.. (inaudible).. it'd be great to include those in the video...
Staff: Past tours? there can be a lot. Make It Right was made of those too.
V: It will be good to include those sources and rotate
V: But we have to decide which one we will take..our suggestion, or the way it will look more natural...
Staff: If it is to be in yours and JK's name, maybe going with more natural feeling will be less difficult
V: Yeah it will, but from the perspective of people who watch it...
Staff; So the overall flow is,, you gathered to do schedules, but there's no audience, and it feels painful,
V: Yes and when the performance is over it will show us exhausted, and then flashback of our concerts being so different in the past, coming back home+
+and work on music, sleep, again work on music, then go to bed, make dinner and eat, and then another flashback with "Things were not like this before," and Woaaahhhhh

Staff; (nods + laugh)

Vlog ends
(I initially missed some part in the beginning)

JK: I wish it doesn't matter who film the footages. It can be phone or camera, just to gather those clips as much as possible... of us working, of us takin rest, I want to make this a constant cross-edited video.
JK: That was what we came up with when we (the members) had a discussion on this.
Yup this is it!! :D
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