How to be alone (a thread):
Learn how to make yourself your main priority. You’re of no use to anyone if there’s nothing of you to share.
We become walking voids hoping to fill the gaping hole in our chest with other people or substances. None of it will fit. It always oozes back out and you’ll be the only one left to clean the mess.
Understand that if you didn’t have room to express yourself, to fuck up, to be loud and make not a single sense, to be opinionated and make all the sense, finding that now can be overwhelming.
It can feel like learning how to walk, talk and just be. This whole time life kept taking us .. from us, and when we finally left whatever environment was stifling us, we couldn’t recognize ourselves.
So we avoided mirrors and got underneath people, got underneath substances, work, anything to keep us busy and away from our selves. Because to be alone now, would be like shacking up with a stranger. It’s awkward and painful.
But you know deep down it’s a rendezvous that needs to take place. You know your void needs you and no one else. 206 bones in your body and they all ache and beg for you to be a little more present.
To be alone, understand that fundamentally you’re not REALLY alone. Look at yourself as a part of a vast engine that needs to do its work in order for the rest of this universal machine to work.
To be alone, understand that that means sometimes you just need to sit and feel. That could be everything, and it could also be nothing. Silence can be loud and she can tell you a lot.
To be alone, do the things you wish you had someone to do it with. In this day and age, that’s a brave thing and you’ll look good doing it too.
To be alone, get a little lost in the things you enjoy, read a little longer, watch a movie and laugh until the people upstairs join in unison, masturbate, meditate, color, garden, go to flea markets, get dressed for no reason, show up for yourself TO yourself.
To be alone, understand that when you finally meet someone decent enough to want to maybe fold laundry with, you’ll be a little more excited for them to share you with you.
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