nct's concept is all about renovation and adaptation. they don't have any weaknesses because they have many members who are good at that subject. it's impossible to adapt to every concept while having strong dance techniques and flawless vocals and nct knows it very well, and +
take advantage of it. he difference between nct and other groups is nct is all about adaptation, they change themselves and renew themselves with each comeback. nct u concept is such a genius idea because it helps members to shine in their unique way instead of pushing them into+
a concept they can't keep up with. it's not being weak or talentless, it's knowing what you're good at and having too many members help them to find perfect combinations. there are limitless concepts they can try because no matter what they try there'll always be 2-3 members who+
can slay that concept even though there's no other person that can do it in another group. once i saw a youtube comment about sm's critical thinking before, sm might be shitty af and no one loves or even understands them most of the time but they know what they're doing with +
investment in trainees. this neo culture plan had been in their mind for a very long time, and they tried this limitless concept many times with h.o.t, suju, and red velvet but they couldn't achieve those dynamics to keep up with renovation every time with the fan base. +
it was either being too connected to original members or not being able to accept new members. fortunately, nct succeeded, even though our fandom is divided because of dumb arguments we somehow figured out how to keep up with this limitless concept.
but we often forget about how powerful this concept is, this nct 2020 project helped many people to realize this fact and unite as a whole but let's keep focusing on good quality to achieve more in the future. they're giving their everything, limitless youtube contents, unique +
combinations, and concepts no one can try, different line ups for things that have been never seen before. it's like a tiny universe with infinite options that you can pick and enjoy your time with it, nct has anything and everything you want with 3 different subunits and 23 +
members with unique talents and personalities. each member adds a different color to the group and they have entertaining bonds, that's what makes it more fun than ever.
to summarize, nct doesn't need to keep up with industry bc they already have their tiny universe where they can perform various concepts. they don't need to keep up with the world bc they have their own world.
and when nctzens stfu and focus on helping them to gain achievements more it'll be death of any other group out there bc they won't be able to understand how nct's system takes over while even nctzens don't understand
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