1. Zimbabwe is a big mental asylum. We need therapy as a country. There are groups of people with mental trauma.
1. People who went to war, didn’t experience their childhood, saw people die, killed at a delicate age, suffered. Just integrated into society like nothing happened
2. People who lost their savings (earnings), not once but twice but now don’t have the energy to do it again. They are pensioners now. How do you cope with this? You just move on like nothing happened?
3. The people who grew up being told get an education and you will be comfortable. Now you have the education, failing to make ends meet. You parents, guardians, the pensioners also need your input but you feel helpless. How do you cope mentally?
4. People who grew up in broken families or with parents who were not present (Father Christmas but doesn’t show affection). Those who were orphaned early due to HIV and they were stigmatized. Now they are grown. How do you start your own family? How are they coping?
5. Women and men who were sexually abused but can not tell anyone. Women who see the people who raped them get a sentence less than someone who stole a cow. Who can they talk to? How are they dealing with the trauma?
6. Broken hearted people. Done dirty by the people they loved. They can’t tell anyone what happened cause it all seems silly. Women and men who are being physically and emotionally abused.
7. Victims of political violence, economic failure and injustice in this country. Some families have split, are scattered all over the world. Some have lost parents And children to politics (Politics shouldn’t be a battlefield). How are these people coping?
8. There are several other groups of people I haven’t mentioned. The result is a people that is irritable, impulsive, not tolerant and just angry. Therapy must be universally available and affordable. Zimbabweans, there’s nothing wrong with therapy. Let’s normalise therapy
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