Well. It would have been nice if ‘the whole of trans studies’ had spoken up before now - before your house of cards came crashing down and the prospect of legal action got ever more real. https://twitter.com/sally_hines/status/1309061086382039041
This ‘born into the wrong body’ hogwash has been pushed at every opportunity and was the prime reason why women objecting were dehumanised as monsters - how could you deny some poor little child the right to escape the wrong body? You terf. You bitch.
Focusing on children was however your biggest mistake - not your first, your last or your only, but the one that allowed us to galvanise.

It takes a particular kind of person to persuade unhappy teenagers that what they really, really want is irreversible medical intervention.
I hope you have finally woken up to whats coming. I hope that I am right that all the signs point to a compelling victory for Keira Bell.

And I will very much like to know what those such as Jolyon Maugham will say.
Because it seems the tactic now is to simply deny what was said before - no matter how often you said it and how many times we all read, screen shot and archived.
For a movement based so long on lies, no doubt this feels like a comfortable and reliable tactic. But things are different now.
So. To keep their lovely money, er I mean refocus the discourse, we now have a new refrain - that women have penises, get over it!

This is excellent. Queer Theory is a delicate beast. It can survive in a protected environment - like the campus of a third rate university -
But it will not last a week outside those protective walls of foggy thinking and impenetrable Butleresque word soup.

Good. This is really good.
Receipts. Lots and lots and lots and lots of lovely receipts. https://twitter.com/lizziecornish/status/1309379135354163200
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