We absolutely need two functioning political parties in America. For that reason, I pray to God that Democrats get so thoroughly and utterly defeated by a gaping wide margin in the upcoming election that they have no choice but to come to their senses and regroup. 1/2
We need Democrats to abandon this lunatic jiggery-pokery of creating new states, eliminating the electoral college, packing the courts, and coddling of violent mobs. Get back to the work of appealing to mainstream voters based on good policy ideas and competent governance. 2/2
Let me be clear. I am no fan of the Republican Party. I tolerate it as lesser of the two evils. I give the fairest hearing to all policy ideas no matter where they come from. And I have not heard one single, solitary idea from the Democrats that I can get behind. Not fucking one!
I used to love the Democratic Party a long time ago. Somewhere along the way it went astray. Now the influential elements in the party sound like some invading automatons from outer space, mumbling insane platitudes incessantly from the moment they wake up till they hit the bed.
I also do not favor having more than two major political parties, based on personal experience of multi-party systems in many countries, including India, U.K., etc. Like socialism, they sound like a good idea in theory, but are nothing less than a living nightmare in practice.
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