ok so i’ve seen a lot of ppl complaining ab not being skinny even tho they’re the same height and weight as someone who is. well. could be dysmorphia, but there’s a good chance you either
1) only restricting, no exercise
2) restriction and
cardio only, or
3) restrict, cardio, and resistance training but not enough or your dysmorphic.
IF YOU ONLY DO CARDIO (ie walking, running (looking @ u tiktok girl from august), anything that makes ur heart race) YOU WILL GET LOOSE SKIN. skinny fat. this is the same when it +++
comes to only restricting. you won’t look hot and skinny. pinch your tummy, pinch your thighs. can you grab skin? well, looks like you need some resistance training. BUT BE CAREFUL! take a quiz to find out your body type- i am an endomorph, so i bulk up easily. and i don’t want++
bulk, that’s why i stopped doing res training in the first place; i was too scared of bulking up again. if you’re an ectomorph, you’ll probably be fine.
1) dancing! dancing is a mix of res training and cardio and will help you tone and get +++
rid of excess fat. and it’s fun!
2) yoga! think of the yoga bod- toned, flexible, not very muscular. which is exactly what we need. it’s very soothing, too.
3) light weights, more reps. i use 2kg weight and do 150 bicep curls every 3 or so days.
4) body weight exercises +++
are good, but not all of them. things that take a lot of energy and end fairly quickly tend to build muscle, such as burpees or crunches. same with squats- they made my thighs look like bricks. they were hard asf.
if you’re going to start doing a little dancing or yoga, take +++
some pics of your body and problem areas and after a week or two check it again; you’ll notice a difference. i haven’t noticed any weight gain. i’m doing semi recovery rn so i’ve started eating 700-999 calories if i am able to and honestly i’ve noticed record weight loss.
when they try and get you to recover but you just end up losing more weight lol. but anyway. i really hope this helped someone because it really helped me when i realized it. Good luck getting not skinny fat <3
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