no one knows kiris gay until midnights quirk doesn’t work on him
and it works well on jirou
she finds him looking upset sitting by himself and just

“midnight sensei out you to the entire class?”

and he nods and they just sadly fist bump lmao
“have you talked to anyone?”

kiri shook his head and leaned back in his chair “no not yet, you?”

jirou sits down next to him, “no, just woke up.”
“are you nervous?”

“hell yeah”

kiri laughs at her and it breaks the tension a bit

“I wonder if aizawa sensei is gonna make us use different changing rooms”

jirou laughs this time “I don’t think so kirishima”
“hey! it’s possible”

“he’s a hardass but I don’t think he’s a bigot”

Kiris quiet for a second

“what if they ask him to make us use separate locker rooms?” he asks just above a whisper
the air leaves jirou’s lungs, and she processes the question for a minute “I don’t think... I don’t think our friends would do that”

but she sounds unsure even to herself
she looks at kiri, head leaned back on the chair he’s slouched in. his eyes stay unfocused looking at something on the ceiling.

between the two of them, the odds of this information going over smoothly with class were greatly in her favor
“who are you worried about?” she asks

kiri sighs, still looking at the ceiling “I’m not worried about mina, she knows. I think kami will be cool-“

“yeah like he has stones to throw” they share a smirk
“iida could go either way, midoriya will pretend it doesn’t exist or be supportive I don’t know.”

“hagakure probably wants you to be her gbf”

kiri actually laughed at that “oh god do you think ojiro-“

“up in the air, honestly. I think yaomomo will be cool about it”
her strange tone causes kiri too look at her then, she was picking at her nail beds. leg shaking slightly

“hey” she looked up at him and he can see the stress across her face “I’m sure yaoyorozu will be totally cool with it”
she smiles at him, but doesn’t look convinced “so you answered the exact opposite of my question-”

for a few long moments jirou is completely silent. and it’s so loud to kirishima.


“i know”
“have you... told?”

“only mina, here. have you?”

“uraraka.” she responds “I didn’t even mean to, she just asked about a crush and I just... told her.”

“but she was ok?” kiri tries

“oh yeah, you don’t have to worry about her.”

kiri breathes out, feeling light relief
“I don’t think bakugo would be outright homophobic” she offered

“I’m not as worried about that as just... he’s gonna know.” he adjusted the head band holding up his tired spikes

“that you like him?”
“yeah, then all those things, the stuff he saw as just friend shit... he’s gonna look at all of it different. we’ve shared a /bed/ jirou! what if he’s pissed! oh my god” he ran his hands down his face “what if he thinks I was trying to be weird, or what if I was being weird!”
“you weren’t being weird, kiri you two are genuinely best friends. you don’t owe anyone coming out to them, you never crossed any lines”
“this is so unfair.”

jirou looks out of the window toward the sky “yeah, it’s- this shit is really unfair.”

“this should have been on our terms”

jirou doesn’t look away from the window “that’s what I thought about when I first woke up. just so... violated”
“yeah... that’s exactly how it feels.”

violated of their own identity, of their safety.

“I wonder if we’ll hear from midnight or aizawa or if we’ll just have to walk into the lions den by ourselves” she finally looks back to kiri
“seeing as neither of us have heard from aizawa sensei or midnight sensei I think it’s safe to say we’re on our own for this one”

she nods. “everyone’s probably in their dorms by now, you wanna try to go to bed?”

kiri nods
there’s a message on kiris phone when he wakes up in the morning. he’s to report to aizawa sensei during their break

kirishimas heart sank
it took him longer to get ready, his hands didn’t want to cooperate.

he walked to class with bakugo almost every morning, unless he was running late
so the fact that bakugo had gone ahead of him was only because he wouldn’t allow kirishima to make him late.

just like any other morning kirishima was running late...

it had nothing to do with-
“hey” a husky voice called from behind him

“hey jirou. hey uraraka.” kiri addressed the two girls making their way to school

“sensei send you a message this morning?” jirou asked
“yeah, teachers offices during break?”


uraraka smiled sympathetically and kirishima wanted to crawl back in bed.
“maybe they’re going to apologize for, like I don’t know, forcibly outing you to all your peers.”

the acknowledgment hit kiris chest like a train. uraraka knee he was gay, just just confirmed it out loud. not only her but the entire class.
todoroki would probably think it’s gross, god shoji isn’t gonna talk to him again. aizawas probably preparing his expulsion papers now. jirou has faith that he’s a cool dude but kiris not as sure.
god is fatgum gonna find out, is he gonna be grossed out? he’s sure amajiki knows, but he’s had his suspicions over the way he and Mirio acted together. but he was too scared to bring it up in fear of outing himself.
sero will probably be worded out. bakugo- bakugo, bakugo.

what the fuck was bakugo going to think
“kirishima?” he felt a pressure on his bicep “kiri, you ok?”

he shook his head, focusing “yeah, sorry I just..”

jirou smiled, but it wasn’t comforting
“come on, we’re pretty much late to class already. I don’t think I can stand to draw anymore attention to myself today”
“yeah” uraraka pipped up “let’s go before we have to take the gay, lesbian, bi solidarity walk of shame”

kiri looked over to her, surprised.

she smiled a little tentatively, and it was comforting
the classroom was quiet when the three entered. just on the end of settling down with the expectation of their teacher walking through the door within the next few seconds

kirishima didn’t look at anyone.
he beelined to his desk and paid extra attention to taking his things from his bag
he felt something hit his forehead and looked up, a waded up piece of paper landed on his desk. he looked forward to see mina’s near frantic face staring at him
he looked at her confused before she spoke “why haven’t you answered my texts, I’ve been worrying about you like crazy”

“I’m sorry. I-“

“good morning.” aizawa senseis voice cut him off as he entered the classroom effectively silencing the last murmurs
kiri looked away from mina but his gaze followed to where aizawa set a few things on the desk at the front of the room.

he could sense something heavy in his peripheral, something boring into him.
he looked over to it, almost reflexively

he felt the eye contact with bakugo shoot through his body so viscerally he may as well have stuck his finger in an electrical outlet
but it ended as soon as it had started, bakugos unreadable face turned from him up to aizawa, paying attention to his instruction
kirishima felt like he was underwater

everyone else was use to the change in pressure, but he was still struggling to breathe
kirishima sat on a bench outside of the teachers office, he had rushed out of the classroom beating not only jirou but also aizawa himself

he was mentally counting how many moving boxes he would need when jirou rounded the corner
they looked at each other for a moment in silence, before letting out a collective loaded breath

“how have you held up?” jirou broke the seal
“I’ve pretty much avoided contact with anyone but mina and kaminari at lunch and mostly there just worried about me I guess. where were you?”

“I had work study stuff to deal with.” jirou sat beside him
kiri drew his eyebrows together “work study stuff?”

jirou looked at him, exhausted “yeah work study stuff. like eating alone in my room until uraraka found me”

kiri felt sad “you should have texted me you could have eaten with us”
“I kinda wanted some time to breathe I guess I felt like I was suffocating in that classroom all morning”

“yeah” kiri laughed humorlessly “I feel that”
kiri laughed again and jirou looked to him “kami googled gay pro heroes at lunch, to try and make me feel better ya know,”

jirou nodded, a hesitant smile creeping on her face

“he found a lot of endeavor/all might fan fic”
“oh my god” jirou laughed along with him “did you read it?”

“he read it out loud until mina took his phone and threatened disintegrating it”

she only laughed, and looked at her feet “I would have expected more endeavor and hawks if I’m honest”
kiri could tell she was doing the same as him, trying to keep the anxiety away like it wasn’t churning in their stomachs

“oh, there was a lot of that too”

“oh my god”

“hawks laid an egg”

“oh my GOD” she actually looked up at him and they laughed feeling the pressure ease
kiri opened his mouth, but heard some voices around the corner. he felt chills raise over his skin upon realizing they belonged to his teachers
“this was kayamas mistake sho, I don’t think either of us have to say anything.”

“this isn’t on me!” kirishimas eyes widened, he looked at jirou who looked equally as nervous “shouta should be more perceptive of his students”
“Id rather spend more energy preparing the kids for their future careers than speculating about their sexualities, nemuri”

kiri felt the red hot embarrassment heating jirous cheeks filling his entire being as well
(so I didn’t know this would be a thread SO going forward:

tw homophobia, canon typical violence, blood mention

also is pains me to have some of the kids act homophobic bc I love them but we suffer for our art don’t we)
midnight, present mic, and aizawa rounded the corner

mic and midnight stopped short, uncomfortable smiles taking over their faces
aizawa walked past the duo, sliding the door open and gesturing inside “let’s get on with this, we’re all busy here.”

jirou and kiri sat one one side of the desk facing the three teachers across it.

kiri figured it would have been awkward if aizawa would have given it the time to be, but instead he spoke near immediately
“before we get into anything, midnight and I owe you both an apology.”
kirishima blinked. he didn’t know how much time had passed before he realized they were meant to respond

“oh it’s-“

“it’s not a-“ he and jirou spoke over each other then looked to each other

jirou gave a small nod to kiri looking away as she spoke, “thanks”
aizawa nodded and midnight let out a small sigh.

“I’ll also remind the both of you that there are counselors at your disposal, who are sworn to complete confidentiality including from us as well as from administration unless they fear you are a danger to yourself or others”
kirishima tried to swallow, but couldn’t past his nerves.

midnight spoke up, having regained her composure “it’s a very discreet process, all the information can be found online in your student portal.”

“thanks” kirishima responded awkwardly waiting for the other shoe to drop

well here was the shoe

“are there any questions either of you have for us?”

“um,” jirou spoke up “is that? is that really all?”

aizawa leveled her “were you expecting something else?”

“we’re not getting like? kicked out? we can still be heroes?” kirishima asked a bit louder than he intended
mic let out a squawk of a laugh toward which kiri looked, offended.

“heroes are gay, little listener.” he fidgeted a bit under the desk “sometimes anyways.”

aizawa sighed, clearly exasperated
kiri gaped “but i- we googled”

“kiri stop-“ jirou cut him off urgently

midnight covered her mouth to suppress a giggle
“well it may not be front page news, or even public knowledge but mic is right, not all heroes are cisgendered heterosexuals” aizawa confirmed, lifting his capture weapon from around his neck to drape it on the back of his chair.
kirishima sat in stunned silence.

luckily jirou had it more together “that’s- that’s good to know.” she simply replied

kiris mind left the conversation momentarily reeling from even hearing the term “cisgendered heterosexuals” come from aizawa sensei’s mouth
he let his eyes fall to mics hands where he was rubbing the palms together. the fidgeting must have been him taking his gloves off. maybe his palms were as sweaty as kirishima’s. maybe it wasn’t even nerves maybe it was just that hot. that must have been why aizawa took his capt-
“kirishima.” aizawas commanding voice shook him from his thoughts “do you have any more questions?”
“n-no sir.” kiri stuttered out

“well if that is the case the two of you are free to go.”
jirou and kiri walked back to the classroom in heavy silence.

about halfway it weighed too much on kirishima so he spoke the words replaying over and over in his head
“it’s- I’m happy we still get to be heroes.”

jirou raised her eyebrows, amused “yeah. me too”
silence fell again until jirou spoke again “it’s fucking wild that mic and aizawa are married.”

Kiri stopped walking “what?!”
jirou turned to face him “you didn’t see all that back there?”

kiri gaped “see what?”

“mic taking off his gloves to show us his ring?”

kiri squinted, trying time remember
“did you think aizawa randomly just took his scarf off for like... no reason? did you not notice the matching ring on his necklace?”

kiri took a step back, looking past jirou. processing
“oh my god you really didn’t notice.” jirou laughed, turning to continue the walk back to class

a moment later kiri began walking to catch up to her “don’t laugh at me right now, my teacher just outed me to my whole class”
“well we can always hope they’re as oblivious as you and they didn’t notice” she laughed as the rounded the last corner to their class

“there’s really no need to be hurtful right-“
bakugo was walking up to the door from the opposite direction
all three students stopped walking.

kiri could hear his heartbeat in his own ears so loud he was nervous bakugo would hear it too
none of them spoke, bakugo only stared directly into kirishimas eyes and kirishima felt as if he would crumble under it
bakugos jaw moved, like he was weighing whether or not to open his mouth.

but he did
he took one deep breath in and rolled his eyes “loo-“

“hey kacchan did you talk to todoroki?”
“shitty FUCKING nerd!” bakugo yelled setting an explosion against dekus hair

lucky the kids reflexes had gotten infinitely better
bakugo walked into the classroom with midoriya trailing behind him “no, kacchan this is important. endeavor wants us to....”

the rest of the sentence was lost in the classroom
kirishima could feel jirou staring around him but he didn’t look away from where bakugo had been standing
“hey, kiri.” she urged “breathe, dude”

he did laboriously.

“you’ll talk to him, you guys will get time.” she assured him
midoriya, todoroki, and bakugo would miss the next four days due to their work study

they left before kirishima even got back to his dorm that day
it was lucky that they were off tomorrow, kiri turned his phone off and dressed in his pajamas

he was crawling into his bed when he heard a knock at his door
he looked sadly at his bed, missing it immediately as he walked to the door to answer it

the door swung open to kaminari immediately making his presence known
“I just want to be upfront that I popped three bags of popcorn knowing that I would eat an entire bags worth before I got here, so this is the exact amount that I planned to bring”
“kaminari shut up, can we come in?” mina asked, not waiting for an answer before pushing herself and kaminari into his dorm.

sero, jirou, and uraraka followed suit each clearly more prepared for the nights events than he was

“movie night!” uraraka held up some disc kiri couldn’t make out the name of

“we texted you,” sero said offering him a cup “but the messages weren’t delivering.”
kirishima took the cup and mina was up pouring soda into it before he could even question it.

he looked at sero again who smiled and gave a short nod
kirishima felt something small dislodge in his chest, the smallest hint of relief feeling overwhelming in that moment
he looked to mina and she was smiling warmly, “don’t cry pussy it’s just a movie night”

and kirishima didn’t cry, he laughed instead.
the movie was stupid. but it was still the best night kirishima had had in a while.

as the credits rolled the girls stood up
mina stretched and stifled a yawn “well that’s if for us fellas we’ve got, prior engagements”

“where are you guys going?” kami asked, seemingly offended

“sleepover at yaoyorozus!” uraraka offered
“traitors” he pouted

“hardly, we do this once a month! look we’re even late this time for YOU guys. so no complaining.”

kiri felt a little guilty, but minas arms were soon around him squeezing a bit too tight “love you guys, I’ll text you!”
kiri looked at jirou, stalling by picking up trash. “hey,” he started softly “I’ll turn my phone on ok?”

she looked up to him and sighed. “ok, yeah ok thanks.”
tw recreational drug use
the girls were gone for all of five seconds before sero pulled a drawstring sack out of his pocket

“y’all wanna go out on the balcony?”
kiri blew smoke out into the night air and passed the bowl back to sero.

kaminari coughed next to him, and rifled around the blanket spread over their legs for his water
finding it he took a drink before speaking “you heard from bakugo yet?”

“kami-“ sero contested

“no it’s ok,” kiri eased “I haven’t. like at all”
“damn.” kiri responded, taking the bowl from sero “I thought he’d try to before he left”

“maybe he doesn’t care that much,” sero offered “maybe he doesn’t see it as a big deal”
kiri thought back to the look on his face earlier when they stood in front of the classroom, “no I think he definitely feels /something/ about it”

“I wonder what” kaminari said from his throat, handing the piece to kiri
“no idea” kiri responded before taking a hit

“I can’t see that he’d be homophobic.” sero said pensively

“yeah, that’s what uraraka said too”
“he didn’t mention anything about it to me, but honestly he hasn’t really talked to me since.”

“yeah he kinda dipped quick yesterday after we all watched what happened at ground beta.” kami recounted “the whole class was so tense, I didn’t even notice him leave.”
“god was it weird?” kiri asked “like did anyone say anything?”

they both shook their heads

“honestly,” sero cocked his head to the side “I wasn’t really paying attention”
“yeah,” kami agreed “I was mostly just worried about you”
“bro” kiri smiles at kami

“aw kami that’s kinda gay-“ sero’s eyes bugged upon realizing what he had said.
kirishima laughed, and laughed, and laughed
“it was kinda gay kami.” kirishima laughed

“oh, fuck it /is/ contagious” kami feigned horror

the three boys laughed loudly into the night air.
an hour later found kiri one again crawling into his bed, he rolled over to reach for his charger when he heard another knock at his door

he felt his body deflate in annoyance
fist life got between him and his own coming out and now it was weaseling its way between him and his own bed.

he lifted himself heavily toward the door all annoyance leaving him as he opened it
“what happened? what’s wrong?” he asked, pulling a crying jirou into his dorm
kiri closed the door behind her while she tried to gather herself enough to speak

“haga- hagakure” she hiccuped “and maybe yaomomo too i do-“ a new wave of tears hit her and kiri pulled her in
she gripped onto his shirt, cool collected facade she held the past two days crumbling into his chest

kirishima wanted to wait for the whole story, but he was already fuming
kirishima gave her a few moments, rubbing her back and letting her cry it out

her cries slowed a bit and she gently pushed back from him, wiping her face on her sleeve

“sorry” she mumbled, embarrassed
“jirou, you don’t need to be sorry. just tell me what happened.” he backed a bit towards his bed and she followed as he sat on it, him leaning against the wall and her sitting cross legged near the edge
she took a deep breath “so,” her voice sounded groggy from crying “mina, tsu, and uraraka we’re asleep,”

kiri nodded, unasked question answered as to where the other two girls were
“and the night had been pretty normal I guess, like I was a little anxious but no one brought it up so I /thought/ they just didn’t care? I guess. which sounds so stupid now” her voice started to waver again but she cleared her throat and began to speak again
“but the other three had fallen asleep on the floor and normally three of us take yaomomos bed because well..”

“cause it’s massive”

“yeah cause it’s fucking massive, but I started to like... settle in to the sheets and hagakure kind of just cleared her throat”
kiri squinted, anger not having dissipated within him in the slightest

“so I look over to her obviously” she looked down at the comforter, pulling at a stray thread absentmindedly “and she...”
“what did she say?” kiri nudged gently

“she said she didn’t feel comfortable sharing a bed with me since I” she raised her fingers into quotations, “you know”
kiri felt the anger physically twist in his stomach “what did yaoyorozu say?” he managed to get out through gritted teeth

she looked despondent down toward the floor
“she didn’t say anything.”
“nothing at all?”

tears fell from jirous eyes once again “she didn’t even look at me”
“jirou-“ kiri began trying to soothe her

“it just confirms it doesn’t it?” she interrupted “I’m just the weird lesbian that fell for her best friend aren’t I?” she was full on crying at this point
“and I took all of her kindness and generosity way too personally! she was just being a friend and I took it too far and I made her uncomfortable, oh my god I’m in love with her and I tried to sleep next to her I’m a fucking creep!”
kiri felt tears in his own eyes, “youre not a creep jirou, and youre not weird. you didn’t do anything you wouldn’t do if you didn’t have feelings for her”
“i feel so... heavy kiri. just heavy and... and guilty”

“you shouldn’t feel guilty for being gay” kiri said softly

“do you?”
the two made eye contact, jirou looked serious through her continuous tears. as if she were daring him to lie

“yeah, yeah I do”
“like I know... I know in my head it’s not wrong” she started “like I can’t stop it I didn’t... choose this, but...”

“it doesn’t mean you don’t feel ashamed of it” he whispered
“exactly, and when people- your friends- react like this, people you trusted... it just validates that shame. and it’s so” she paused “it’s so fucking loud.”
“first of all hagakure isn’t your fucking friend. and she’s not mine either.”

jirou wore them smallest smiled aimed down at her lap
“shame is really loud. I wish I could give you something that was louder, but I haven’t found it yet.” kiri brought his knees up to his chest and hugged them loosely.
“pact?” jirou said, voice still uneven, “whoever finds it first has to tell the other?”

kiri extended his hand out for her to lazily shake “it’s a pact”
the two sat in silence for a few moments before kiri spoke “I’m really sorry about yaoyorozu, I know it probably really hurts”

jirou rubbed her eyes with the heel of her palms and sighed “yeah it- it fucking blows”
“you can sleep next to me tonight if you want to. I probably need someone to keep me from going to hagakures room and taking a giant shit on her bed.”
jirou laughed, and it was good to hear “kiri shut the hell up. but yeah that sounds good. are you sure you’re ok with it even if I’m.... you know”

kiri laughed in response “I mean yeah just don’t try anything weird”
kiri was awake long after jirou had fallen asleep, he was wondering how exactly he’d ended up as the little spoon when his mind wandered to her words earlier

‘exactly, and when people- your friends- react like this, people you trusted...’
he hadn’t had to deal with that yet. he’s kept such a distance from the rest of the class that he hadn’t had to deal with that at all.
he had walked into the lions den, that much was true, but that was the easy part.

tomorrow the lions would be released
jirou went back to her dorm soon after they woke up with a promise that she’d absolutely text him if anyone gave her trouble

kirishima scrolled through his phone as he took his time waking up
he was tapping through stories when a picture of bakugo appeared. it was taken himself in what looked to be endeavors agency. the sun was rising in the large window behind him, giving the entire picture an orange glow. he was already in his hero costume and he looked... gorgeous
but he always did. the picture would have been frame worthy if there wasn’t black scribble blocking out something in the background.

kiri admired the pic for a few more seconds before tapping past it, a close up of the black scribble and the words “fucking nerd ruins everything
kirishima laughed at the realization that bakugo had gone so far to censor midoriya out of his selfie. he tapped the reply bar at the bottom to type out a message making fun of him but stopped
could he even do that anymore? did bakugo even have any interest in being his friend or hearing from him at all?

he exited out of the app and through his arm over his eyes
he just wanted to go back. fake sick out of the exercise and not have to come in contact with midnights quirk at all. he just wanted things to be normal
his phone buzzed from where it laid on his bed

a text from kaminari

‘breakfast with the bro’s. brofast’

‘15 minutes’

kiri reluctantly pulled himself from his bed
sero, mina, kaminari and kiri sat at one of the tables in the common room. conversation not in full swing as the teens hadn’t had the chance to fully wake up

a few students were around, but it was mainly quiet
a few students sat at the table behind them, but each kept to themselves

the anxiety about being so out in the open had just begun to dissipate when mineta rounded the corner out of the kitchen, holding his breakfast i
he looked around for an empty seat when his eyes focused in on kiri
“aw why so gloomy kirishima? which one do you miss bakugo or todoroki?”

kirishima choked on his cereal

“oh flustered just by me saying their name huh? get a hold of yourself!”
“mineta shut your ass up.” mina rolled her eyes “we can eat in my dorm kiri.

kiris mind seemed to be processing things at double speed and in slow motion at the same time. his anxiety felt like it was consuming him
“don’t go!” he sat at the empty seat next to sero “I was just joking plus’s I’ve been wanting to talk to you.”

kiri looked up at him from where his head was nearly bowed over his bowl

“well we haven’t been wanting to talk to you, so find somewhere else to sit”
undeterred, he kept speaking “so the locker rooms have to be like a dream come true for you hu-“

some laughs from the table behind kiri hit his back like knives
he turned to find ojirou, sato, and iida. the first two of the three covering up their laughter

kirishimas heart sank
“mineta dude seriously shut up before that orange juice gets dumped on your fucking head.” sero threatened looking every bit like he meant it
“oh like I’m the only one worried. sato, what were you saying yesterday? something about kirishima being /extra/ interested in strength training with you?”

the table turned to look at him, and his face reddened a bit, “yeah but I didn’t really mean that you know it was just-“
“ojirou.” mineta cut him off “you don’t feel uncomfortable changing around a dude who likes di-“ he was cut off by seros elbow into his shoulder “ow!”

“then shut up” kaminari hushed before turning to look at ojirou for his answer
he looked immensely uncomfortable, face even redder than satos “I mean... it crossed my mind but- I don’t know I guess that yeah, a bit.”
he shouldn’t have been so shocked that the class was talking about it, in the back of his head he knew, but the confirmation still hurt. he had tricked himself into thinking that if he couldn’t see it it didn’t exist.

unfortunately that was very far from the truth.
“kiri we can go upstairs-“ kaminari started but was cut off

“told you I’m not the only one. I’d bet everyone’s been-“

“that’s enough mineta.” iidas voice stopped him short
your concerns hold validity, but this is not the proper time or place to bring them up. if there is an issue you should take it up with aizawa sensei at-“

“wait holds validity, what validity?” sero stood from his seat to match iida.
“the concerns mineta is expressing is by no means without causation.”

“so what?” mina rose as well “kirishima just becomes some kind of what? deviant? predator? because he’s-“
“I never accused him of such things!”

“oh but you did!” sero yelled
“I won’t have my words taken out of context” iidas voice started to get louder as well.

“well then let’s keep them in context and talk about the fucked up shit you just said!” mina yelled back
kiri felt like he was watching the scene through a window, his body wouldn’t react even if he wanted it to

“kiri we can go, come on” kaminari spoke softly, pulling kiri up slightly, helping him out of his chair “come on guys, let’s just go”
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