Hot take but the knee jerk reaction against any targets of misogyny and transmisogyny maybe possibly liking men in the future is just straight up rape culture misogyny

Bi lesbian hate and related hot takes, including non-exclusionist Twitter on mlm / transmisogyny / etc,
is really a knee jerk reaction against consent culture taking any ground against prescriptivist culture.
This is more or less literally also the entire energy of the shitcourse telling lesbians most of all, especially gold star compatible lesbians, that we're not lesbian, and centering the definition of lesbian as far as possible from actually positively liking even one woman, ever
How much hostility does this display in practice against lesbians having consent and say over our own identity and community definition? Like say, the way most of us approved of bi lesbians decades before this shitcourse even happened, and dare to have the audacity to
not hate queer women?
Queer praxis 101 is identifying consent and the lack thereof as just about the number one point of violence in gender and sexuality, and centering that as the most important thing, so any degree of bi lesbian hate is contingent on rejecting queer culture and lesbian history.
But also, anti bigotry 101 is identifying actions louder than being as the thing you take people to account for. Racism is shit because it hates black people for existing while black, and since your beef with racism and fascism is the violence they materially inflict on people,
you have no reason to give a fuck once they stop. (Material action to commit to anti-racism; right wing violence robbed of its power to do anything with impunity; etc)

You don't hate straight people, you hate homophobic culture. You don't hate cis people, you hate
transphobic culture. (People who explore their gender, maybe even go on HRT, and then realize they're cis should and usually are welcomed and supported in trans spaces.)

Hating a cis woman for just *being* attracted to just absolute shit, and the definition of
misogynistic victim-blaming. Hating queer people for just being attracted to men, possibly, by a misinterpretation of definition, is uncut bigotry.
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